Edited by George Barron
Posted on the Trump Campaign’s official campaign website was an article that first appeared in The Hill ( a Washington publication). Apparently Donald Trump has hired some of the best political strategists and ground operatives in the business to build his political machine. Watch out Bush. Watch out Koch brothers! Of course – we would expect nothing but the best from the Trump camp. As the article explains, many of the people that Trump has assembled are known for their ability to react quickly to negative attacks and to pull rabbits out of the hat when necessary. They are known to be able to fire up the base rapidly. And hopefully translate that fire to the voting booth. We knew in our hearts that Mr. Trump wouldn’t be able to do this alone. Glad to see his heart is really in this campaign to win it. Go Donald!
Here’s a piece of the article and a link to the whole thing.
Donald Trump is assembling a team of political strategists and campaign staffers charged with sustaining his lead in the Republican presidential polls.
While strategists say Trump still has a ways to go to catch up to his rivals for the White House, he is taking aggressive steps to build a political machine, particularly in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.
With his popularity among Republican voters seemingly impervious to controversy — even rival Jeb Bush has called his candidacy a “phenomenon” — the billionaire businessman is in an enviable position heading into the first Republican debate on Thursday in Cleveland.
“The proof is in the pudding: He’s winning. So by definition doing the right thing. … People like his attitude. He’s a scrapper. He fights,” one political strategist said.
“He jumped into the race and stunned everyone by soaring to the top of polls — and maintaining a lead,” the strategist said. “Now he’s building the infrastructure around it and he’s putting together a pretty good campaign team.”
Earlier this week, Trump announced that he’d hired Michael Glassner, a former chief of staff to 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Glassner was also an adviser to former Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) during his presidential campaign.
Glassner is joining a Trump team that is expanding on the ground in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina — key caucus and primary states that are often decisive in the march to the nomination.
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