Egg on the Face of Gawker – Attempt to Publish Trump’s Cell Number Flops

Trump-on-cell-phoneby George Barron /

Breitbart news is reporting that the left wing media troublemakers at Gawker tried to throw a wrench in the well oiled Trump Campaign machine by publishing what they thought to be Trump’s cell phone number. But they ended up with egg on their face while giving more free publicity to Donald Trump.

Turns out that the cell phone number that they published was an old, long disconnected number, that Donald Trump used several years ago. So the joke was on them. I guess they were so blinded by the chance to ‘get Trump’ that they forgot to call the number quickly before they published it. Stupid.

You know they recycle those old phone numbers. What would be really funny is if that number now was being used by an illegal alien.

Quoting from Sam Biddle of Gawker, “Last month, American reality show entertainer turned American political system entertainer Donald Trump publicized presidential rival Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) cell phone number, urging his supporters to ‘try’. In the spirit of open and fair political debate. We now bring you trumps number.” Nice try, Gawker. Big build up and all. But the joke’s on you.

The radical liberal media and the mainstream media want the same thing. To discredit Trump. The irony is that the more that they do to discredit him, the higher his numbers go in the polls. Why is that? If the media is going after trump and if his own party is going after him, there must be a reason. For my money, the reason is that he is fearless and will refuse to be pushed around by the media or the Republican Party. Frankly, that’s a good enough reason to get my vote.