Will Trump Be America’s Toughest President?
In 2005 Sheriff Joe Arpaio ran for the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona as an advocate of enforcing the illegal immigration laws of the United States of America. His stance on illegal alien enforcement was controversial at the time. The media did their best to discredit him and big money was spent to defeat him. Yet his poll numbers climbed. Does that sound familiar? By the way – Joe Arpaio won the
Trump was right about Erick Erickson being a loser

Unless you’ve been off the planet you’ve heard about Donald Trump being ‘dis-invited’ from speaking at a gathering of conservatives that was organized by RedState.com. Trump was one of several candidates that were in invited to the event.
Erick Erickson, who operates the RedState website and organized the event, notified the Trump campaign of his decision just hours before Trump was scheduled to appear at the event. Erickson claims to have made his decision after he heard something that Trump said during an interview on CNN. Trump was criticizing Megan Kelly for seemingly asking loaded questions of him during the first Republican debate, describing her as very angry saying, “there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her
For Veterans, Donald Trump puts his money where his mouth is
Donald Trump has gotten a lot of criticism for his remarks about John McCain. And if you believe the press, there’s no way that vets will support him. But that may not be the case. For example, a prominent leader of New York’s Vietnam Veterans Plaza has told ABC News that Trump “has not been a bad guy to us.”
His name is Vincent McGowan. And he’s who has been active in the organization since its inception in 1983. Today he is an outspoken board member says that if it wasn’t for Trump, the project in lower Manhattan would have never gotten off the ground. Trump has sometimes mentioned that he has done a lot for veterans but he stays away from specifics. This is more than likely only one of many efforts that he has made to help
Trump says he will be Hillary’s Worst Nightmare

by George Barron
Trump said today that he would be Hillary’s worst nightmare. What he was referring to was Hillary’s constant dropping of Jeb Bush’s name in just about every speech or comment that she makes. Trump knows that she is trying to deflect attention off of the true front runner, him, and draw attention to Jeb as if he were the front runner. Obviously, looking at any poll in the country Jeb Bush is running far behind Donald Trump. And, according to several polls, he’s even running behind Scott Walker.
But Hillary isn’t the only one who is attempting to deny Trump’s lead. The mainstream press and many Republican
Macy’s and others will be sorry that they dropped Trump
George Barron for Trump Knows
If you’re in business and you work with the general public, one thing you want to do is keep your eyes and ears out for what’s hot. Especially in the retail business. If the country is going gaga over something, you want to make sure that you give the public what they want. That’s just the way it works in America. We’re a very trendy nation and when we get excited about something we spend money.
When Donald Trump made his announcement speech, he did it pretty much off-the-cuff. He wasn’t reading from any teleprompters. And he didn’t have the politically correct board of directors filtering his statements. And with Donald, sometimes his brain works faster than his mouth. He doesn’t always say things in the proper order. And
Donald Trump Assembles Political Machine Powerhouse

Edited by George Barron
Posted on the Trump Campaign’s official campaign website was an article that first appeared in The Hill ( a Washington publication). Apparently Donald Trump has hired some of the best political strategists and ground operatives in the business to build his political machine. Watch out Bush. Watch out Koch brothers! Of course – we would expect nothing but the best from the Trump camp. As the article explains, many of the people that Trump has assembled are known for their ability to react quickly to negative attacks and to pull rabbits out of the hat when necessary. They are known to be able to fire up the base rapidly. And hopefully translate that fire to the voting booth. We knew in our hearts that Mr. Trump wouldn’t be able to do this alone. Glad to see his heart is really in this campaign to win it. Go Donald!
Here’s a piece of the article and a link to the whole thing.
Egg on the Face of Gawker – Attempt to Publish Trump’s Cell Number Flops
by George Barron / TrumpKnows.com
Breitbart news is reporting that the left wing media troublemakers at Gawker tried to throw a wrench in the well oiled Trump Campaign machine by publishing what they thought to be Trump’s cell phone number. But they ended up with egg on their face while giving more free publicity to Donald Trump.
Turns out that the cell phone number that they published was an old, long disconnected number, that Donald Trump used several years ago. So the joke was on them. I guess they were so blinded by the chance to
Trump questions if Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner had access to Hilary Clinton’s emails!

by George Barron / Trump Knows.com
In an exclusive interview with The Daily Mail, Donald Trump was very upset when he brought the worst part about the Hilary Clinton email scandal to light. That is, Huma Abedin, Clinton’s chief of staff, had access to all of the Clinton email. As Trump explained during the interview, ‘the person seeing Hilary’s emails more than anybody else is Huma. And who’s Huma married to? The worst deviant in the United States of America, right? Anthony Weiner!’ Trump back stepped just a little when challenged about saying that Weiner was ‘the worst deviant’ – well, but ‘He’s right up there’.
You don’t have to connect too many dots to see that Huma Abedin, being married to Wiener, a dodgy character at
Trump’s Illegal Immigration Policy
According to an article written about an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, the Republican presidential hopeful who sprang to the top of the presidential hopeful heap with controversial comments about illegal immigration, is now beginning to lay out his ideas for an immigration policy.
Trump said Wednesday in the interview that as president he would deport all undocumented immigrants and then allow the “good ones” to reenter the country through an “expedited process” and live in the U.S. legally, though not as citizens. Illegal immigration from all countries is one of Trump’s top priorities.
Trump’s Presence Makes For Challenging Debate Preparation
The Republican debate, next week in Cleveland will mark not only the first gathering of the expansive GOP field but also the start of a new and unpredictable chapter in an already raucous 2016 race.
Under the bright studio lights on the shores of Lake Erie on Aug. 6, ambitions will be showcased, positions staked, and Donald Trump, who has consumed the summer’s political headlines, will finally be confronted, face to face, by his rivals.