Who Will Stand With Our President?

The other day somebody raising funds for the republican party called me to ask for a donation. As I’m sure that many others in the party have, I explained that I will not be giving money to a party that won’t even defend the party leader. Or have we forgotten that President Trump is the leader of the party?

I asked her to give me the name of one congressman that stands with the president. One person that is willing to come out in front of the camera to explain that the President is usually right about the things that he says. Which one of them is going out in front of the camera and touting the accomplishments of the administration? Give me one name. She couldn’t.

Now I know that there are a few that do defend him. But most of congress run and hide when asked to do so. What is especially disheartening to me is that the leadership is that way. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are a joke.

Republicans that don’t  support the President are betting that the same forces that elected Trump won’t be paying attention when they come up for reelection. Or that the usual people that never vote in the primary elections will stay home. It’s a bet that they might regret.

And as for the the rest of us that do vote in the primaries, we are already making plans to send your sorry asses to the unemployment line.