Why Trump Won: Americans Optimistic Their Finances Will Improve in 2025

From PJMedia.com

Almost half of Americans are expecting their personal financial outlook to better next year, after Donald Trump takes office again. 

The economy really was a deciding factor, if not the deciding factor, in the 2024 election as polling indicated. And while the inflation rate has supposedly gone down, this is often deceptive, not only because the federal government under Biden tends to play around with numbers, but also because inflation has continued to go up even as the rate “slows.” Prices still increase. So inflation is still catastrophic, as we all know. But Trump, unlike Biden and Harris, is serious about making America prosperous again.


Is that why more than 40% of Americans are feeling more optimistic about their financial future?

Fox Business reported that a previous July survey from Discover Personal Loans found that a staggering 80% of Americans were experiencing “some level” of financial anxiety. That of course played a role in the election results. But that pessimism is starting to change.

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From Fox Business:

Bankrate said Thursday its survey found that 44% of American adults expect to see their financial situation become either “somewhat” or “significantly better” next year, a 7 percentage-point increase from the roughly same time last year. 

The survey, conducted on the personal finance site’s behalf by YouGov, took place Nov. 6, the day after the 2024 election, through Nov. 8 and involved nearly 2,500 American adults… For instance, [there’s] over one-third of Americans that anticipate they will see better personal finances in 2025 reported “rising income” as helping guide their positive outlook. A slightly lower share (30%) pointed to “having less debt,” while “work done by elected representatives” and “better spending habits” also factored into optimism for 25%.


While Donald Trump is not listed explicitly among these reasons, it is not unreasonable to believe that people who voted for him because of his promises to bring down inflation and strengthen the economy see his election and the election of other Republicans as contributing to their potential future prosperity. After all, elected representatives were cited. 

For lower income Americans, of course, inflation has hit hardest. And despite Biden-Harris propaganda, this is an ongoing struggle:

Inflation also had the most weight for U.S. adults anticipating worsening finances. That was followed by “work done by elected representatives” cited by 30%, “stagnant or reduced income” cited by 28% and debt holdings by 20%, among other factors, according to Bankrate. 

Read Also: California Restaurateur: Sales Nearly Doubled Post Trump Victory

It is interesting to note that even in California, restaurants saw business increase right after the election. Hopefully people’s optimism is justified under Trump and JD Vance next year, and Bidenomics will soon become a nightmare of the past.

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