WHOA! Long-time CNN contributor tweets: ‘The world today needs a HITLER’

A long-time, actual and prolific CNN contributor tweeted on Sunday that “The world today needs a Hitler.” Obviously the CNN writer and contributor, Adeel Raja was reacting to the ongoing hostility between Israel and the terror group Hamas. And doing so in a way not entirely out of step with the news org sending him checks.

Here’s a screenshot of the tweet, which was archived before he could delete it.

As Jordan Schachtel excplains, this guy has a long history at CNN.

And other users point out that, during that time, he was busily cheering on Hitler’s goal of eradicating Jews.

Here’s one from earlier this year.

Oh, he’s an AWARDED JOURNALIST, by the way.

Oh by the way? He’s a Muslim. I’m sure that’s not why he got away with racism though right?

Source: The Right Scoop