Nick Givas | Media And Politics Reporter
The White House’s Office of Management and Budget said the Internal Revenue Service will still pay out tax refunds despite the ongoing partial government shutdown.
OMB deputy director Russ Vought told The Daily Caller the White House would work quickly to make the process as “painless as possible” for taxpayers during a Monday meeting. (RELATED: Looking Forward To Your Tax Refund? The Shutdown Might Have Something To Say About That)
During a government shutdown, the IRS includes in its plan to have about one in eight employees working, according to The Wall Street Journal. Certain functions like criminal investigations will continue, but auditing and refunds have been known to stall.
A sign for the Internal Revenue Service building is viewed in Washington, DC, on April 18, 2018.
/ AFP PHOTO / JIM WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Billions of dollars in refunds are at stake as Democrats and Republicans remain deadlocked over how to fund the federal government.
The IRS paid out $12.6 billion by Feb. 2, 2018, to more than 6 million households; $101.2 billion to almost 32 million households by Feb. 16; and had doled out $212 billion in refunds by the end of March 2018 to 73 million households, according to TheWSJ.
One of the main issues between both parties continues to be funding for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. Trump is seeking over $5 billion to fund the project, while Democrats remain opposed to any physical barrier at the southern border.
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