WATCH: Ted Cruz explains how to pay for the Wall in new video…

By The Right Scoop

Ted Cruz posted a new video of himself explaining how to pay for the wall without taxpayer money.

You may have heard of the idea before – he calls it the El Chapo act.


Cruz makes a prediction in the video that even though this won’t cost the taxpayers a dime, that Democrats won’t vote for it because they politically don’t really want to secure the border. I would add to that they don’t want Trump to win in 2020.

Cruz has had this idea for a while now but I don’t know that it’s ever been voted on. Seems like a great idea to me and he clearly hasn’t given up on it.

Here’s a bonus video Cruz did after the ‘hostage’ video response by Schumer and Pelosi.

I’m gonna make this an open thread, so you know what that means…