VP Harris touts $1B in so-called climate crisis aid

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Florida International University, Monday, Aug. 1, 2022, in Miami. Harris is attending climate resilience events in Miami. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Florida International University, Monday, Aug. 1, 2022, in Miami. Harris is attending climate resilience events in Miami. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:20 AM PT – Wednesday August 3, 2022

The White House has continued its climate crusade by pumping millions into grant programs. While speaking at Florida International University in Miami on Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris pledged grants worth $1 billion to go towards addressing extreme weather events that she attributes are due to climate change. The Biden administration will be dispersing these funds to 343 towns and cities nationwide. The funds are intended to address a variety of natural disasters and may be used at the discretion of local jurisdictions.

During her speech, Harris touched on a number of projects the White House is looking to fund. A few of the ideas she mentioned included building a underground water storage in Kern County, California as well as improving the power grid in Austin, Texas. It also included the idea of creating projects to help protect neighborhoods at risk of flooding in Miami, Florida.

The Vice President could not hide her elation that the funding is double the amount compared to the money that was spent on the same endeavors last year. The Biden Administration intends to double the sum of the spending project each year. While Harris was speaking, she also bemoaned the inequity wrought by so-called climate change and called for “environmental justice.”

“The climate crisis has exposed and intensified generations of economic and environmental inequities that have been present in communities across our nation,” the Vice President explained.  “And our administration remains committed to addressing those inequities through environmental justice”.

The Democrat went on to regale the audience on the Biden Administration’s vision for a so-called clean energy future. Her initiative is in line with the mission statement from the World Economic Forum, which is urging all major economies to shift to so-called clean energy in order to attain net zero emissions by 2050.

In the past, the World Economic Forum has held up countries such Germany as paragons of the green agenda due to them eliminating fossil fuel self reliance. Despite Harris’s calls for clean energy in the name of equity, individuals such as Dr. Jordan Peterson believe that those type of high-minded ideals produce catastrophic results. He has argued that cheap energy is one of the greatest benefits to the poor, while expensive fuel keeps them entrenched in their economic state.

Additionally, Peterson pointed to Germany as a cautionary tale due to the country scrambling to find power sources in the absence of Russian oil.

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Source: One America News