Video: Osama bin Laden’s niece protests Biden with ‘Trump Won’ banner at Biden-Putin summit

Osama bin Laden’s niece held up a flag emblazoned with the words “Trump won” while protesting President Joe Biden’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

According to videos of the moment posted on Twitter, Noor bin Ladin, 34, waved the flag while standing on a boat in Lake Geneva near the world leaders’ meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Before the police came,” bin Ladin tweeted along with video of the protest.

In another video, bin Ladin is seen interacting with Swiss authorities. “Getting shut down quick here,” InfoWars Dan Lyman said during footage of the encounter.

“If I don’t give you the sign, you’re going to arrest me?” bin Ladin asked the law enforcement officers while holding the “Trump Won” flag. She then turned to speak to the camera directly and said, “Donald Trump won the 2020 election.”

“And we’re not allowed here in Switzerland, even in Guatemala, where Kamala goes, Guatemalan people can have signs that say ‘Trump Won,’ she continued. “In Switzerland, we’re not allowed?”

Bin Laden later told InfoWars that her pro-Trump signs were confiscated by Swiss authorities and wouldn’t be given back until Friday.

“The point that I made to the police… was that apparently, Guatemala is a freer county than Switzerland because we had Guatemalan patriots just last week when Kamala went and visited the country, who had put up signs that Trump won and they were not taken down, they were freely standing there on location, on site and apparently in Switzerland that’s not possible,” bin Ladin said.

After the protest and subsequent encounter with Swiss authorities, Bin Ladin, a citizen of Switzerland, tweeted about “trolling the Regime” on Twitter.

“Trolling the Regime from Geneva this week has been greatly satisfying,” she wrote.

She tweeted again around an hour later, this time encouraging others to “defend the truth.”

“Protesting on lake Geneva was not only about standing for election integrity, but also about standing with those who have been unjustly arrested for defending the truth since 1/6,” bin Laden tweeted, referring to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6. “…we must *all* stand.”

Last year, Bin Ladin, a self-described “Patriot at heart” told the New York Post that she was a supporter of Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections.

“I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve,” bin Ladin, who resides in Switzerland, told the New York Post last year.

“He must be re-elected … It’s vital for the future of not only America, but western civilization as a whole.”


Source: American Military News