Tucker Carlson Tears Into the FBI for Rigging the 2020 Election

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

A funny thing happens after Democrats and Never Trumpers call regular pattern recognition by smart Americans- a conspiracy theory- it is usually discovered that the patterns are trustworthy and expose deceit and corruption at the hands of an out-of-control administrative state.

The uniparty and the media have perfected the art of gaslighting American voters, and now we find out that the FBI is involved. Here is proof.

It is almost reliable, at this point, that when Democrats and RINOs call something conspiracy, it is guaranteed to be something true. Remember when everyone was ‘crazy’ for believing that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg were assisting in usurping the election process before the 2020 election?

Now we know that is true, based upon Zuckerberg’s own admission to Joe Rogan this week, to tanking important information about Joe Biden in the last month before the election.

“In perhaps the most shocking admission since the 2020 election concluded, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the FBI pressured the social media giant to censor the Hunter Biden story, calling it “misinformation” just prior to the election. That was revealed during an interview with Joe Rogan, confirming what was once condemned as a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media,” Bonchie reported Red State.

And popular show host, Tucker Carlson picked up on how ironic it is that Americans were right all along about what Zuckerberg was doing at Facebook. In a recent show opening Carlson let it all hang out- when he directed his comments about the unfolding drama.

“The reason that’s so insane is two-fold. First, what right did the FBI have to interfere in private companies concerning what political stories they allow to be run? The attempt itself is bad enough, considering the bureau had ostensibly pledged to avoid any possibility of affecting the outcome of an election. Secondly, and far more damning, is the fact that the FBI knew at the time that the laptop was real, having been in possession of it since 2019.

In other words, the FBI went to a private company to spin the Hunter Biden laptop story as disinformation knowing full well that they were lying. That qualifies as direct interference in an election to try to put Joe Biden in the White House, and it happened under the watchful eye of current FBI Dir. Christopher Wray,” Bonchie wrote.

Carlson slammed the FBI and said:

Here is a blockbuster story, CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, just went on the Joe Rogan podcast, and while speaking to Rogan he admitted that Facebook censored the New York Post’s accurate reporting about Biden’s laptop, which, of course, we all knew, but Facebook did that because the FBI intervened and told Facebook that that laptop was Russian disinformation.

And of course, how would Zuckerberg know, they believe the FBI. Now keep in mind, the FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop when they said that- because they’ve had it since 2019. So when the FBI told Facebook that on the eve of the presidential election, they knew it was a lie.

They interfered in the last presidential election. If ever there was an attack on Democracy, it’s the country’s largest law enforcement and what they did to suppress that story.

Weighing in in a dishonest way three weeks before the voting begins in the country,” Carlson said and then played a clip of Zuckerberg talking to Rogan, where Zuckerberg said:

“So we took a different path than Twitter with the story. I would say. Basically, the background here is the FBI. I think it basically came to us from some folks on our team. It was like, hey, just so you know, like you should be on high alert. There was we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have a problem now with the laptop,” Zuckerberg said.

“Facebook executive and Democratic party operative called the ND Stone playing that Facebook was blocking the story quote, as part of our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation,” Carlson reminded his audience.


Bonchie went on in his article to slam the FBI again:

“The FBI has a long history of corruption and abuses of power, but in regard to the sheer consequences foisted upon the country, this takes the cake. Federal law enforcement actively put their thumb on the scale in a race that was ultimately decided by around 40,000 votes in three states. Had the Hunter Biden story not been immediately censored and dismissed as Russian disinformation, Donald Trump might be president today.

Instead, we ended up with Joe Biden, a vicious, senile crook who is currently in the midst of his latest impeachable act. He also happens to be using the FBI as his personal secret police, illustrated most recently by the targeting of two men for “stealing” Ashley Biden’s diary.

All the while, Biden and the federal agencies at his command spit in the face of Americans who would dare to call for some accountability. They have no respect for you.”

Source: The Republic Brief