Trump would beat Biden by six points and Kamala by 11 if the election were held today

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

According to a new poll released on Tuesday, if the 2024 election were held today, both President Biden and Vice President Harris would lose to Trump.

Harvard CAPS-Harris poll exclusively obtained by The Hill shows that Trump leads Biden by six points, another grim sign for a White House riddled with declining approval ratings and multiple crises.

45% of respondents to a survey say they will support Trump in 2024, while 41% support Biden. 12% said they are unsure.

The results for Harris are even worse than for her boss, as she trails Trump by 11 percentage points.

According to the hypothetical vote, Kamala received 38 percent of the vote, while Trump received 49 percent, which is two points higher than the Trump-Biden matchup.

As for Trump, he has repeatedly hinted at a 2024 run but has not said for sure he will run.

As a result, when Biden selected Harris as his running mate, making history in the process, it was widely predicted that she would take up his mantle after he retired at 79.

Yet, because of her deep unpopularity, which is worse than Biden’s, left-wing operatives are worried about who to put up in the next presidential race.

Harris does come out on top when matched against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a hypothetical contest. According to the Harvard poll, the GOP governor received 38 percent of support, while Harris earned 40 percent.

As a former House Republican, he was elected to lead Florida with Trump’s support and has demonstrated strong leadership within the GOP, particularly in critiquing the Biden administration and opposing COVID mandates.

According to several GOP voter polls, he trails Trump in the race for 2024, but the former president is widely seen as the favorite candidate so far.

It is still a long way off until the presidential election, but Biden’s unpopularity remains a negative sign for Democrats seeking to retain their slim majority in November.

It was revealed on Sunday that a recent NBC poll shows the Republicans have a slight edge over the Democrats when it comes to the upcoming elections. Among registered voters, 46 percent said they would prefer the Republicans to control Congress by 2023, compared to 44 percent who support the Democrat Party remaining in power.

As of the last NBC poll taken in January, Democrats had a slight edge over the Republicans with a 47-46 percent margin.

It is reported in the same poll that Biden’s approval rating is 40 percent, which is the lowest number, so far, in Biden’s first term.

The cities of Los Angeles and Orange County are also dealing with persistent supply chain issues and a 40-year record-high inflation rate, both of which are affecting the quality of life of millions of regular Americans.

As a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Biden has also had a difficult time in the White House. Besides the fact that high gas prices are forcing people to pay more at the pump, there is the fact that US voters are both fearful of a war with Russia and have little faith in the ability of their president to manage issues at the international level.

The survey asked respondents ‘how much confidence’ they had in Biden’s ability to handle the brutal attack by Russia, which took place on Sunday.

As a result, 44 percent of the respondents reported having ‘very little faith’ in the president, while 27 percent said they had only ‘just a little’ confidence in him. This equates to a combined 71 percent.

As of June, only 28 percent of Americans polled said they shared ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a bit’ of support for Vice President Joe Biden’s handling of the Ukraine crisis — a far cry from the confidence in his handling of the issue that the president has sought to project throughout decades of foreign policy experience in the Senate.

The majority of the population seems to believe Biden’s actions have put the country on a path towards direct conflict with Russia, despite US intentions to de-escalate through diplomacy.

Based on Biden’s handling of the crisis and the response of his officials, sixteen percent of Americans think the nation is already at war with Russia. An astounding 44 percent of respondents believe the destructive conflict will take place within the next year.

34 percent of respondents said they did not believe the US would become embroiled in a war with Russia.

The Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey on Monday found that 56 percent of respondents consider Biden ‘not tough enough’ and six percent believe he is being ‘too tough’ on Russia.

Thirty-six percent indicated Biden’s reaction to Putin has been ‘about right.’

On Monday, Biden was mocked for his use of a printed ‘cheat sheet’ of answers to anticipated questions during his press conference on the Ukraine conflict.

During his visit to Poland on Saturday, Biden said Vladimir Putin ‘cannot remain in power’ before heading back to Washington, DC.

During a question-and-answer session on Monday, the 79-year-old president referred to a typed cue card for hints on how to answer questions about his remarks that many regarded as advocating for regime change. Many conservatives are calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked and the president removed, while others worry that would leave the U.S. with VP Harris taking his place which is even worse.

Source: The Republic Brief