Trump To Make Big Announcement On July 4th

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Now that the midterms are a mere 5 months away, Republicans hold a six-point advantage in their bid to regain control of Congress.

If the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, and 41% would vote for the Democratic candidate, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. In total, only 4% of people would vote for another candidate, and another 7% aren’t sure.

The Republican Party has lost three points of its lead since last week when it led 48%-39%. Still, the GOP is set to take back at least the House due to Biden’s and the Democrats’ abysmal handling of, well, everything.

As Biden and his socialists destroy America and inflation, and gas prices are soaring ever higher, everyday citizens are feeling the brunt.

We could ask Reagan’s question, are you better off than you were four years, and the resounding answer from most Americans would be no.

So how about a little light at the end of the tunnel for Americans to pin their hopes on.

Donald Trump could announce his bid for the presidency of the United States in 2024 very soon if he announces.

The former president has been teasing the idea of running for president in 2024, leading many to assume he will run. However, now sources are reporting his announcement could be as soon as 4 July, according to NBC News.

Many think he should hold off on making his announcement until after the midterm elections, but others argue that he should go ahead and announce now to prevent other possible contenders from becoming strong competitors.

“I’ve laid out my case on why I think he should do it,” Jason Miller, the former president’s longtime adviser, told the Wyoming crowd during the Memorial Day weekend rally. “I think that there being clarity about what his intentions are [is important] so he can start building that operation while it’s still fresh in people’s minds and they’re still active — a lot of that can be converted into 2024 action.”

A second adviser suggested waiting until after the midterm elections, but believes Trump will make his announcement “sooner rather than later.”

One question that the adviser asked is “whether he can sort of suppress his excitement about a 2024 rematch and not, say, go ahead and put that statement out … and waits for a big event, a big speech to do it.”

“A betting person says he’s doing it, and he also wants to crowd out the rest of the field,” they explained.

Two people in Trump’s orbit told NBC News they had been asked informally to hold July 4 as a date for a possible announcement, but Miller — noting that Trump hasn’t yet decided to run — said it is “not true” that the day has been reserved, even unofficially, for a launch.

Without specifically addressing the question of timing, Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said in a text exchange with NBC News that he sees growing public appetite for a Trump comeback.

“America was strong, prosperous, and greatly respected under President Trump, and that’s why he continues to have unprecedented strength through his endorsement record and the demand for his leadership has never been higher,” the spokesperson proclaimed.

He dropped another hint that he might run for president in 2024 last week.

As he said on Fox News, the events surrounding the trial and acquittal of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann have made him “want to fight even harder.”

Trump issued a powerful warning, stating: “If we don’t win, our country is ruined.”

During a trial last Tuesday, a jury found Michael Sussmann not guilty of making a false statement to the FBI in September 2016. It was his claim that he was not working on behalf of any client when he filed information alleging a covert communication channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank of Russia.

According to Fox News, Trump said when asked whether the verdict had any effect on his political aspirations, especially running for president in 2024: “If anything, it makes me want to fight even harder.”

“If we don’t win, our country is ruined,” Trump warned. “We have bad borders, bad elections, and a court system not functioning properly.”

Additionally, he said: “Our country is being systematically destroyed.”

“They had blinders on—they were only looking in one direction,” Trump continued. “No matter how far they turned and saw all of these crimes, they wouldn’t go there.”

“Mueller and everybody else knew what was going on, and they didn’t do anything about it.”

Regarding Clinton, Trump said, “She should be ashamed of herself.”

“I think she should be ashamed of herself, and she lost the election. She should be ashamed of herself and so should [Adam] Schiff and all these corrupt politicians,” Trump stated.

Now that Americans have had a taste of the difference between Democratic socialism, and America First economic nationalism, the choice should be very clear. Under the latter we prosper, under the former, we perish.

Source: The Republic Brief