Trump Squares Off With Judge – Says He WILL Do It And Can’t Be Stopped

Former President Donald Trump is soaring ahead of other Republicans in the polls and is certainly the obvious choice for the Republican nomination in 2024.

The disaster that is the Biden administration is such a train wreck that scores of independents are swaying to Trump’s side, desperate to right the ship that is in danger of going down.

The indictments that Democrats thought would neutralize the former president have served only as transparency into the weaponization of the justice department by the Biden administration and liberals, and proof of that is Trump’s rising numbers in the polls.

The four cases have had Trump hopping to meet court dates, but that hasn’t kept him from his rallies nationwide, where massive crowds gather to support their candidate.

In an interview with Univision that aired on Thursday, Trump called out the obvious attempts to turn public opinion against him through that weaponization.

The Washington Times reports:

He said the “pathetic” indictments against him were brought so that the Biden administration could win an election. He also said the administration has “weaponized” the Department of Justice and the FBI.

“If they do this, and they’ve already done it, but if they follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse. It could certainly happen in reverse,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Univision that aired Thursday. “What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box. You understand that, they’ve done something that nobody thought would happen.”

“They’ve done indictments in order to win an election. They call it weaponization, and the people aren’t going to stand for it,” he said. “If I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ Mostly what that would be, you know, they would be out of business. They’d be out, they’d be out of the election.”

Trump is pulling no punches when he states this. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and the fact that no charges have been able to stick to him points to that conclusion.

But by contrast, the investigations into the Biden family’s international business crimes and the recent release of the Jan 6 tapes showing the government’s actions on that day to incite chaos point toward very real charges, with evidence already seen by the public.

With a Republican president at the helm, the next administration would have a clear case for indictments, and given the weaponization against Trump, few Democrats would be able to cry foul.

The attempts against Trump have of course backfired, and the former president acknowledges that, saying, that the indictments have “actually been helpful from the standpoint of getting elected.”

He called the charges against him “political persecution [and a] political hoax.”

“I’m probably the only guy ever indicted whose poll numbers have shot up through the roof,” he said

Polls have shown that Mr. Trump leads the other Republican candidates by wide margins and is outperforming President Biden in several battleground states.

In Pennsylvania, a New York Times/ Siena poll released Sunday has Trump ahead of Biden by 4 points. The erosion of Biden’s support seems to be clear among Black, Hispanic, and younger voters.

The poll shows that Trump is seen as “better equipped” to handle important issues, like the economy and jobs.

The New York Times reported this week that Trump is leading Biden not only in Pennsylvania, but in five of the six “swing” states, adding Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan to that list.

Polls have Trump and Biden neck and neck at the moment in Wisconsin.

The Hill adds North Carolina to the swing state list. North Carolina, once solidly red, went for Trump in 2020 by only 1.3 points.

With all efforts to throw charges against Trump, Democrats seem to have considered themselves immune to the same treatment if the tables are turned.

Last June, Trump spoke on the issue saying, “I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of America, Joe Biden, and go after the Biden crime family.”

Indeed, the whole premise of Trump’s 2016 campaign as a non-political outsider was to “drain the swamp” and go after the corruption rampant in career politicians. So, going after his attacker is merely continuing along those lines, with Trump aiming at those who have fabricated charges against him.

The repeated gag orders that are instated, rescinded, and reinstated in some of the court hearings are evidence of the Democrats efforts to silence the former president, but the ongoing saga is only proving to show those who are paying attention that there

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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