Trump Scores Army Of Support From Most Unlikely Group – Dems Come UNGLUED

During the 2020 presidential election cycle, an amount above $14 billion was allocated to federal candidates, party committees, and Super PACs, which is a twofold increase compared to the $7 billion disbursed in the 2016 campaign. It is highly likely that the total amount of contributions in the year 2024 will exceed the current levels.

On Veterans Day, President Trump made a commitment to “root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country”, whom he accused of doing anything “to destroy America and to destroy the American dream”.

In a recent statement, former President Trump asserted that individuals lacking legal documentation in the United States were negatively impacting the nation by metaphorically “poisoning the blood” of the country. According to a report by The New York Times, there are plans to gather a significant number of undocumented immigrants and confine them in extensive facilities until their expulsion is carried out.

President Trump has made a public declaration of his intention to nominate a special prosecutor with the purpose of pursuing legal action against Joe Biden and his family. Furthermore, he has communicated to his advisors and acquaintances his desire for the Department of Justice to initiate investigations against individuals who have expressed criticism towards his tenure as the President. All good things.

With all that said, Trump has garnered support from influential individuals among the billionaire class.

Who is providing the financial support for this endeavor? While the supporters of President Trump are making modest financial contributions, the primary source of funding originates from affluent individuals within the United States.

Throughout the initial six months of the year, a number of billionaires made contributions to the Make America Great Again, Inc Super Pac, which is associated with the political agenda of Donald Trump.

Phil Ruffin, an octogenarian entrepreneur with a net worth of $3.4 billion, has generously made numerous philanthropic contributions in the form of $1 million grants.

Charles Kushner, a prominent figure in the real estate industry with a family net worth of $1.8 billion, made a notable financial contribution of $1 million in the month of June. It is worth mentioning that Charles Kushner is the father of Jared Kushner, who was granted a pardon by former President Trump in December 2020.

Robert “Woody” Johnson, a prominent figure with a net worth of $3.7 billion, who previously served as the United States ambassador to the United Kingdom and is also a co-owner of the New York Jets, made a generous contribution of $1 million to the Make America Great Again Political Action Committee (MAGA PAC) in the month of April.

All of these billionaires giving to Trump has caused some on the left to become unglued and act more insane than usual.

Enter angry socialist and former Secretary of Labor for former President Bill Clinton, Robert Reich.

Reich responded to all the big money Trump is pulling in with an op-ed in The Guardian, so we flipped it on him.

He explained all the aforementioned this way:

That money is not supporting US democracy. If anything, that money is contributing to rising Trumpism and neofascism.

There is a certain logic to this.

As more and more wealth concentrates at the top, the moneyed interests rationally fear that democratic majorities will take it away through higher taxes, stricter regulations (on everything from trade to climate change), enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, pro-union initiatives and price controls.

So they’re sinking ever more of their wealth into anti-democracy candidates.

Donald Trump is going full fascist these days and gaining the backing of prominent billionaires.

Reich went on to complain about other Republicans who are raking in the cash for their campaigns such as Nicki Haley. 

He also whined about other billionaires, even Elon Musk, stating:

“Peter Thiel, a prominent billionaire technology financier, who had expressed skepticism regarding the compatibility of freedom and democracy, made substantial financial contributions over $35 million to support 16 Republican candidates at the federal level during the 2022 campaign cycle. Consequently, Thiel emerged as the tenth most significant individual donor to any political party.”

Elon Musk does not significantly contribute to the financial support of Donald Trump or other politicians who oppose democratic principles. However, his important platform grants him an exceptional level of influence, which he employs to advance the neofascist agenda.

Elucidate Musk’s display of concern towards Trump, his apparent support of antisemitic content, his association with Tucker Carlson and the “great replacement” notion, and his professed skepticism towards democracy.

The compatibility between democracy and capitalism is contingent upon the condition that democracy has a dominant role, enabling it to regulate and mitigate the potential excesses of capitalism.

However, when capitalism and its influential financial entities assume control, these excessive behaviors inevitably escalate to a degree where they possess the capability to undermine democratic principles and disregard the welfare of the general populace.

This is the reason why the neofascist tendencies exhibited by Trump, together with the involvement of the present-day Republican party, have garnered support from a number of affluent individuals in the United States.

What is the alternate option? The pro-democracy movement is characterized by its vocal opposition to the concentration of wealth among the upper echelons of society, exorbitant compensation packages for CEOs, the significant political influence wielded by the financial industry, and tax reductions benefiting affluent individuals and huge corporate entities.

This sounds like someone who knows the socialist Democratic Party is going to lose in 2024.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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