Trump now accuses Democrats of an ESPIONAGE campaign on his New York apartment

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

As part of an ongoing espionage campaign that ran after the 2016 election with the goal of undermining the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday that Democrats spied on his White House as well as his New York City apartment.

He makes the allegations in response to a court filing that Trump supporters claim shows that his political adversaries spied on his internet traffic during the 2016 presidential campaign.

These come from Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of accusations that the Trump campaign had connections to Russia.

Some experts say that the internet data questioned has little value except in highly specialized circumstances.

However, Trump has continued to assert vindication for claims he made in 2017 that Barack Obama had spied on him.

‘Much of the now-uncovered espionage campaign of the Democrats breaking into the White House and my New York City apartment, took place after the 2016 election as yet another way to undermine the upcoming 2020 election,’ he said in an email on Wednesday evening in response to Hillary Clinton’s denial on her Twitter account.

‘This spying into the Oval Office continued for a long period of time and further served to undermine and discredit the 2020 election, along with massive ballot harvesting, phantom voters, and so many other things that made the election a sham.

‘The voting numbers were big and determinative.’

Durham made a filing on Friday that suggested a Democratic lawyer is working to weave a tale about Trump colluding with Russia using information obtained from internet data at the Trump Tower apartment and the White House.

Although fact-checkers have pointed out that the White House data were collected during the Obama era and were used to investigate malware.

As ‘DNS lookup’ data can be complex, and the new filing contains no new charges, most news publications did not pay much attention to it.

Several conservative outlets and Trump alleged cover-ups by journalists.

As part of his second statement, Trump asked: ‘Why isn’t the media asking who gave Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “plumbers” their orders?

‘With Watergate, it was the coverup that turned out to be the far bigger crime.

‘With Hillarygate it is the mainstream media coverup that is almost as big of a crime as the act of treasonous espionage itself. It is showing the world why our media is truly the enemy of the people.’

In her response to the allegations that she hired people to spy on Trump, Clinton called them a “fake scandal.”

‘Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones. So it’s a day that ends in Y,’ she tweeted, sharing a Vanity Fair article.

‘The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie,’ Clinton continued. ‘For those interested in reality, here’s a good debunking of their latest nonsense.’

The Vanity Fair column Hillary tweeted is under ‘conspiracy theories’ on the site and is titled: ‘You’ll never believe it but Hillary Clinton did not, in fact, spy on Trump’s White House.’

It is written by the magazine’s socialist political correspondent, Bess Levin, and it is subtitled: ‘In less breaking news, Donald Trump remains a moron.’

In her article, Levin writes that these findings do not prove Clinton was spying on Trump, but that her cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware at the White House.

‘Trump and company got the whole thing hilariously, mortifyingly incorrect,’ Levin stated.

‘But fear not: We’re sure they’ll issue a lengthy correction and heartfelt apology to the people whose reputations they impugned—and the ones Trump suggested should be put to death—in no time.’

The White House has directed any questions regarding the latest findings to the Department of Justice following the revelation that Clinton paid to try and find a link between Trump and Russia.

‘I would point you – any questions about this – to the Department of Justice,’ Jen Psaki said on Wednesday during the daily press briefing.

When pressed on whether ‘monitoring internet traffic’ can be considered spying, as described in special counsel John Durham’s report, Psaki repeated her advice that reporters should direct their questions to the Justice Department.

Following Durham’s filing, Republicans have renewed their attacks against the Democrat-led investigation into Trump’s campaign connections to Russia.

According to them, the latest revelation proves that Democrats will do anything to win – including illegal acts – and are calling for investigations into Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler for being complicit in Clinton’s spying.

In the Durham report, it was claimed that Clinton paid to hack the Trump Tower and White House servers in order to create a fake scandal despite her lawyer Michael Sussmann claiming that he was not hired by anyone to find the connections.

In an interview with Newsmax on Wednesday, Representative Pat Fallon said: ‘This will put the final nail in the Clinton candidacy coffin – once and for all.’

‘We an be sure that Hillary Clinton will be flippant about it,’ the Texas congressman said to the news outlet. ‘This is a real issue. I think this is literally going to sink the Clinton political machine once and for all.’

Source: The Republic Brief