Trump Leading Bush & Rubio – In Florida!

Trump-thumbs-upNothing can seemingly stop Donald Trump as poll after poll continues to report nothing but good news for the real estate mogul. Most recently a new poll from SaintPetersBlog and posted on the Drudge Report as a “Shock Poll”  adds more fuel to the political fire firestorm that is raging across the country.

The Tuesday survey even discovered that Trump now leads two of his GOP rivals — in their home state of Florida. That’s just unbelievable!

The poll put Trump with 26% of the vote among Republican primary voters in Florida. Compare that to 20% for the former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and  then about 10% for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida). Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) came in at roughly 12% also ahead of Rubio.

It’s not an overstatement for both the SaintPetersBlog and the Drudge Report to label it a  “SHOCK POLL.” Indeed, for Trump to be leading this early in the race, in the home states of his competitors, is extraordinary.

Trump reportedly reacted to the poll by telling Breitbart News, “I have always loved Florida, what a great honor.” Surely Trump will refer to the poll in future comments  as he continues to steamroll over the other candidates.

Some have criticized the Florida based pollster’s track record for accuracy but the fact is that Trump just continues to amaze everybody as he continually leads the pack of Republicans hoping to be the presidential  primary winner.

Another poll from Monmouth University, that also came out Tuesday, found that the Republican businessman had opened up a two-to-one lead over Bush — his nearest primary rival — in New Hampshire.

And the hits keep on coming. Last Sunday an NBC News/Marist poll handed Trump 21% of the GOP vote compared to 14% for Bush in the Granite State. Plus, in another Sunday poll, a national survey from CNN, also put Trump in the No. 1 position in the primary.

All this good news comes even though a string of controversial statements by Trump was predicted to have a negative impact on Trump’s high-profile campaign. Among other things, Trump briefly dismissed Sen. John McCain’s (R-Arizona) “war hero” status before backtracking and saying that prisoners of war are war heroes. But we know what he really meant when he made his original statement. While it’s true that McCain was captured, tortured, and held as a prisoner of war for five years during the Vietnam War, it can also be argued that watching out for our veterans waswn’t his primary cause during his time in Washington.

“The controversy over comments about John McCain’s war service do not appear to have slowed the Trump steamroller,” said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University poll. Frankly, it appears that every time Trump makes a controversial statement, no matter how distasteful to the media or the power brokers, the more his popularity increases.