Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Just Brutally Threw Trump Under The Bus – Ensures Imprisonment

Jenna Ellis, a legal practitioner aligned with conservative ideologies who actively participated in the 2020 presidential campaign of Donald Trump, entered a plea of guilty on Tuesday in relation to a criminal charge pertaining to the case of alleged involvement in interference in the Georgia election.

Ellis, alongside Sidney Powell and two other individuals, has become the most recent co-defendant of former President Donald Trump to reach a plea agreement with prosecutors.

Trump and Ellis

The increasing number of plea agreements in the racketeering case led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicates a mounting risk for Trump, who is concurrently facing criminal accusations in four distinct instances while pursuing a presidential campaign in 2024.

Ellis, who is 38, entered a plea of guilty in the Fulton County Superior Court for the offense of aiding and abetting false statements and writings, as charged. The aforementioned complaint pertains to the dissemination of misleading assertions of voting fraud, which were presented before the Georgia Senate during a hearing in early December of the year 2020.

During a poignant declaration made in front of Judge Scott McAfee, Ellis tearfully conveyed remorse for her conduct following Trump’s defeat to President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

“As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings,” Ellis declared.

“I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way,” she continued, adding that “I failed to do my due diligence.”

Contrarily, she asserted her dependence on facts furnished by seasoned legal professionals “with many more years of experience.”

“If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges,” she stated.

“I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse.”

Ellis initially encountered a pair of felony counts as stated in Willis’ indictment, which alleges that Trump and 18 other co-defendants engaged in an unlawful conspiracy to subvert Biden’s triumph in Georgia’s 2020 election.

According to the 98-page indictment consisting of 41 counts, it is alleged that Ellis exerted influence on state legislators in pivotal swing states. The Biden administration sought to nominate presidential electors who would cast their votes in favor of Trump.

As stipulated in her plea agreement, Ellis will be exempted from serving a prison sentence. The defendant received a five-year probationary period and was ordered to pay $5,000 in reparations. Furthermore, she is required to do 100 hours of community service and compose a letter of apology addressed to the residents of Georgia.

The individual in question is obligated to provide accurate testimony during all hearings or trials that involve other co-defendants in the case, including the individual known as Trump.

The three individuals who have previously entered guilty pleas, namely Powell, former Trump campaign attorney Kenneth Chesebro, and bail bondsman Scott Hall, have also committed to provide veracious testimony in the cases involving their co-defendants.

Following Sidney Powell’s decision to enter a guilty plea in response to charges pertaining to the 2020 election, which were filed against her by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis last Thursday, a recent analysis suggests that this choice might potentially provide significant advantages for former President Donald Trump.

According to sources, Powell, a former federal prosecutor who became a member of Trump’s personal legal team after the election, made numerous claims about the discovery of substantial ballot fraud. However, she failed to provide any proof to support these claims. It has been reported that Powell has now admitted guilt to six misdemeanor charges associated with interfering in the election process.

As a component of the plea agreement, all charges pertaining to felony offenses were dismissed. Consequently, she will be obligated to fulfill a probationary period lasting six years, remit a fine amounting to $6,000, and provide an additional sum of $2,700 as restitution to the state of Georgia. Furthermore, it is imperative that she composes a formal letter of apology addressed to the inhabitants of Georgia.

Furthermore, Powell is obligated to present testimonial evidence in forthcoming judicial proceedings pertaining to allegations brought by Willis, including the case involving Trump. It is in this context that a legal scholar opines on the potential benefits this may offer to the ex-president.

According to Steve Sadow, a lawyer from Georgia who represents Trump as his principal counsel, he perceives Powell’s plea deal as a legal advantage bestowed upon his client. Sadow sent this message to The Messenger.

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“Assuming truthful testimony in the Fulton County case, it will be favorable to my overall defense strategy,” he explained.

Additionally, The Messenger made a further observation:

Legal observers Thursday were quick to comment on which other defendants were most exposed by Powell’s plea deal, which was conditioned on her truthful testimony in the outstanding cases and included her proffering a taped statement to prosecutors Wednesday night.

Source: CNBC

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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