Trump Knows The Media Is Out To Get Him

By George Barron |

President Trump knows what he’s up against in the “very dishonest” media and has no problem lashing out on Twitter to express his feelings. Most of the media seems to delight in publishing anything negative about him while they ignore or downplay what would normally be considered positive and interesting events in a new administration.  At times it appears that there is a competition between reporters as to who can ridicule him the most.

So President Trump took to Twitter again on Saturday morning to remind his followers that what they read from the press is not necessarily the truth. They’ve been totally wrong about him in the past and they are likely to be wrong about him throughout his term as President.

President Trump’s Chief Consultant, Steve Bannon put it well the other day when a New York Times reporter contacted him for an interview. He said that the mainstream press should be “embarrassed” by the fact that they were wrong about everything that they predicted about the election concerning Donald Trump. Sean Spicer, President Trump’s press secretary, reminded reporters during a press briefing that they have constantly underestimated Trump since the he announced his candidacy. And things that Trump would say were dismissed as stupid or naive were later found to be true and amazingly insightful.

Trump and his administration have no intentions of letting the press have a monopoly on communicating with the American people. The days of the liberal filter being applied to news will not go unanswered.

Please enjoy President Trump’s tweets from Saturday morning, below.