Trump Knows Collusion With Russia Is Real – Within Clinton Campaign

President Donald Trump admitted during a tweet today that “collusion with Russia was very real” during the 2016 campaign — but that it involved the Democrats — and he demanded a new federal investigation of Hillary Clinton and House Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Adam Schiff on their Kremlin ties.

Trump knows that documents and testimony exist to backup his statement. But the mainstream media remains silent on the issue.

“Collusion with Russia was very real. Hillary Clinton and her team 100 percent colluded with the Russians, and so did Adam Schiff, who is on tape trying to collude with what he thought was Russians to obtain compromising material on DJT.

We also know that Hillary Clinton, through a law firm, eventually Kremlin connected sources, to gather info on Donald Trump. Collusion is very real with Russia, but only with Hillary and the Democrats, and we should demand a full investigation.”

The tweets came after press reports once again mischaracterized a meeting that Donald Trump Jr. arranged with  a Russian attorney and others in June 2016 in hopes of obtaining negative information on Clinton. The reason for the meeting turned out to be a pretence on the part of the Russians and no negative information on the Clinton campaign was obtained.

President Trump rightly asserted that the Trump Tower meeting was a routine part of politics and was “totally legal and done all the time.”

Besides Trump Jr., others at the session included Paul Manafort, then chairman of Trump’s presidential campaign; Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and several Russians, including the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and their representatives.

In pointing to the Democrats as the real colluders, President Trump referenced comments from former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who told Fox News of a tape that host Sean Hannity had played on his radio show of Schiff seeking to obtain damaging information on Trump from Russians.

“He plays the tape of Adam Schiff,” Bongino told “Fox and Friends” in an interview. “No one denies it’s him on tape trying to collude with what he thought were Russians to obtain compromising material from the Russians.

“We also know that Hillary Clinton paid through a law firm eventually with Kremlin-connected sources to gather information on Donald Trump.

“Collusion is very real with Hillary and the Democrats,” Bongino said, “and we should demand a full and accountable investigation.”

Story based on reporting by Todd Beamon | Newsmax |