Trump Has Rare Emotional Breakdown Live During SD Rally

At his rally in South Dakota, former President Donald Trump seemed to lose it when he described Joe Biden’s disastrous “Bidenomics” and how the nation was on the verge of another “Great Depression.”

“If you took the five worst presidents in the history of the United States and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden administration have done in a few short years,” said Trump on Friday during a speech in Rapid City, South Dakota.

“And no damage has been worse than the disaster known as Bidenomics.”

Trump emphasized the following shortcomings in Biden’s economic plan:

  • Since Joe Biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached almost 20 percent — and the dollar has lost more than 20 percent of its value in just three years’ time…
  • Joe Biden has blown through $11.5 trillion dollars in wasteful spending — equivalent to $88,000 dollars taken from every American family.
  • Under Biden, the budget deficit is exploding and set to more than double this year alone…
  • Manufacturing has contracted ten months in a row, and monthly jobs reports have been revised downward every single month of 2023.
  • During Biden’s first 30 months in office, just 2.1 million new jobs have been created nationwide. By contrast, during the first 30 months of President Trump, we created 4.9 million new jobs, shattering all predictions.
  • Under Biden, real incomes have gone down by $7,400 dollars per family. Under President Trump, yearly income went up by more than $6,000 dollars.

Trump warned that “we’re heading into a great depression.”

“The only question is whether or not it will be during the remaining months of the Biden administration … or will the next president have to bear the brunt of what Biden has done to our country? I don’t want to be the next Herbert Hoover — and I won’t let that happen.”

Biden is “an economic arsonist,” according to the 45th president, who further said that Biden is “incinerating American wealth at a level never seen before.” It is a conflagration of failure, taxation, inflation, and capitulation.

“The choice in this election is between a Biden Economic Bust or a Trump Economic Boom. … Crooked Joe cares only about enriching his own family — I care about enriching your family,” Trump added.

“If you want the Bidens to make millions selling out America to China, Russia, and Ukraine while your savings go up in flames, then vote for Crooked Joe,” Trump said.

“If you want better jobs, higher wages, and an affordable American Dream, then you must vote for your favorite president, Donald J. Trump,” Trump concluded.

The speech delivered by President Trump in South Dakota signifies his initial visit to the state subsequent to his significant address at Mount Rushmore in July 2020.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was present at the ceremony, lending her support to former President Trump’s presidential candidacy.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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