Trump Gets Enormous Win In NYC Case Against Him – Libs FURIOUS Over His Response

On Thursday, a New York Appeals judge issued a temporary suspension of the gag order imposed on former President Donald Trump by Judge Arthur Engoron.

The gag order imposed by Judge Engoron was delayed by Appellate Judge David Friedman, who invoked the First Amendment rights of President Trump.

“Considering the constitutional and statutory rights at issue an interim stay is granted,” Judge Friedman ruled.

The decision was made in response to an emergency lawsuit filed by Trump’s legal team on Wednesday. The lawsuit contends that the imposition of gag orders raises concerns about Judge Arthur Engoron’s capacity to impartially determine the facts in the case.

In late October, Judge Engoron summoned Trump to testify in response to his strong criticism of the previous president and allegations of breaching the gag order through his statements to the media. In addition, a monetary penalty of $10,000 was imposed on Trump.

According to the leftist New York Times:

The order against Mr. Trump was issued on the trial’s second day by the presiding judge, Arthur F. Engoron, after Mr. Trump attacked the judge’s law clerk in a social media post accusing her of being a Democratic partisan. It prohibited Mr. Trump from any further attacks on the clerk and other court staff.

Mr. Trump has twice violated the order, incurring $15,000 in fines. The judge later issued a similar order against Mr. Trump’s lawyers, barring them from commenting on his private communications with court staff.

Attorney General Letitia James of New York, who holds socialist views and whom Trump has accused of being racist against whites, is pursuing a legal case against President Trump, aiming to obtain $250 million in compensatory damages.

There is an absence of victims in the context of this fraudulent case. The Attorney General of New York is additionally pursuing a prohibition on Donald Trump and his sons from engaging in any business activities within the state of New York in the foreseeable future.

The implications of this development are likely to evoke a sense of trepidation among business proprietors throughout the state of New York. In the event of holding divergent political views, it is plausible that the governing authority may suppress one’s expression and seize their financial assets.

The legal proceedings are a trial without a jury. The crooked judge has the final say.

After the gag order was lifted, Trump issued a response in relation to the recent ruling against Judge Engoron on Truth Social.

“Judge Arthur Engoron has just been overturned (stayed!) by the New York State Appellate Division (Appeals Court), for the 4th TIME (on the same case!). His Ridiculous and Unconstitutional Gag Order, not allowing me to defend myself against him and his politically biased and out of control, Trump Hating Clerk, who is sinking him and his Court to new levels of LOW, is a disgrace,” Trump posted.

“They are defending the Worst and Least Respected Attorney General in the United States, Letitia James, who is a Worldwide disgrace, as is her illegal Witch Hunt against me. The Radical and Unprecedented actions of Judge Engoron will keep BUSINESSES and JOBS forever out of New York State,” he continued.

In a second post, Trump excoriated the judge.

“Trump Hating, Radical Left Judge, Arthur Engoron, is, sadly, the most overturned Judge in New York State. He was just stayed on his Gag Order, which Unconstitutionally prohibited me & my attorneys from talking about important elements of a Fraud case where it was he & Letitia James that committed the Fraud by knowingly, substantially, & outrageously devaluing my asset values in order to make me look guilty of something which I did not do.”

Trump continued, “In actuality, witnesses & experts have proven conclusively that my Financial Statements Value is LOW, or very Conservative, not HIGH, as they were claiming. A.G. James & Engoron worked in COLLUSION to make some assets many times lower in Value than they are. By doing this, they ridiculously & wrongfully, without Knowledge, Trial, or Jury (which is not allowed in this case!), ruled that I was guilty of FRAUD. This HOAX is a public relations disaster for New York State. Violent Crime is raging, and companies are FLEEING, never to be seen in N.Y. again!”

On Friday morning, Trump continued lambasting James and Engoron.

“A.G. Letitia Peekaboo James is running for Governor of New York AGAIN!!! That is why she, with the help of a very complicit Judge Engoron, who has cut my Values to a tiny fraction of what they are really worth in order to claim FRAUD, has brought this ridiculous case against me. Other businesses are seeing this miscarriage of justice and fleeing New York! Violent Crime is not fleeing, however. It is setting new records on a daily basis!!!”

The former president added:


Representative Elise Stefanik, a member of the Republican Party representing the state of New York, lodged an ethical complaint against Engoron recently. In response to the ruling made by the New York Appellate Court, Stefanik expressed her satisfaction, referring to it as a “victory.”

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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