Trump Calls Out Dems For ‘Saying Nothing’ About Pro-Abortion Violence

Former President Donald Trump called out Democrats Saturday for “saying nothing” about violence and intimidation against pro-life organizations.

The former president held the “Save America” rally in Mendon, Illinois to campaign for Republican Illinois Rep. Mary Miller. He told his supporters that while Democrats continue with the January 6th hearings, they ignore the “violent intimidation” of conservative Supreme Court justices and the violence perpetrated against pro-life organizations.

“The leaders of the Democrat Party have failed to forcefully condemn the violence and threats and hold the perpetrators accountable,” Trump said. “There could be no greater illustration of the two-tiered system of justice, we’ve never had anything like what’s going on right now, … than the fact that at the very moment the radical Democrats were staging a ridiculous fake trial over January 6, their party leaders are saying nothing about the violent intimidation of the United States Supreme Court. They refuse to talk about it. They refuse to do anything. As you have seen the violent group of unhinged partisans and craven lunatics or the Un-Select Committee are pushing a fake and fabricated narrative based on doctored video, lies and testimony that is totally uncontested by cross-examination. The lies are unbelievable.”

The former president then called out Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who he called a “real loser,” for allegedly leaving out a segment in video testimony where he told his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically” at the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 5, 2021. (RELATED: ‘This Was Only A Warning’: Radical Left-Wing Group Reportedly Takes Credit For Molotov Cocktail Attack Against Pro-Lifers)

“It’s a sham. Think about it, she left out the words ‘peacefully and patriotically,’” he continued.

The House Select Committee began holding live, televised hearings of their investigation of the events that led up to and took place during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. The committee has heard testimonies from Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, former Attorney General Bill Barr, and the wife of Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Ginni.

Pro-abortion groups have engaged in violence, vandalism and protests in front of the justices’ homes since the majority opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, leaked to the public in early May. A left-wing organization, Ruth Sent Us, published the alleged addresses of the justices to organize protests in front of their residences.

Authorities arrested a man armed with a firearm and burglary tools near the residence of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh on June 8. The 26-year-old suspect, Nicholas Roske, reportedly admitted he intended to assassinate the justice and had been upset by the leaked decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

A protest grew violent in front of the Arizona state capitol Saturday, the day after the Court officially released its decision to overturn the 1973 decision. The protestors trapped lawmakers in the building, creating a hostage situation and forcing police to throw tear gas to disperse the crowd. Republican Arizona state Sen. Kelly Townsend, trapped inside the building, compared it to the January 6 riot.

“I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately,” she said on Twitter.

Several pro-life crisis pregnancy centers have been vandalized by radical pro-abortion groups, often spray painting the words “Jane Says Revenge” and “if abortions aren’t safe, you’re not either.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday that President Joe Biden’s administration condemns the violence and intimidation against the justices. She further said violence has “no place in our country.”

“He’s been very clear it is inappropriate, it should not be part of our political discourse, and he has condemned that. He just recently signed the security funding that’s going to be for Supreme Court justices, he passed that this past Thursday.”


Source: The Daily Caller