Trump Calls Attention To More Fake News In Tweet Series

Even the Drudge Report, which is marginally friendly to President Donald Trump seemed to advance the fake news that it’s somehow a headline that the meeting between Don Jr. and the Russians was about getting dirt on the Clinton campaign was somehow incriminating.

Getting dirt on the opposing campaign is what campaigns do. The only surprise that came out of the meeting was that the lady from Russia had no dirt. She mislead the campaign.

In a series of tweets from President Trump he wrote:

The fake news purposely conflaights what the meeting was actually about and what the Trump campaign expected it to be about. Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics – and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!

Why aren’t Mueller and the 17 Angry Democrats looking at the meetings concerning the Fake Dossier and all of the lying that went on in the FBI and DOJ? This is the most one sided Witch Hunt in the history of our country. Fortunately, the facts are all coming out, and fast!

Too bad a large portion of the Media refuses to report the lies and corruption having to do with the Rigged Witch Hunt – but that is why we call them FAKE NEWS!

The media often attempts to put Trump in a position that he’s damned if he says one thing and he’s damned if he says the opposite thing. Then the reporters battle each other to see who is going to be the first to tweet out how stupid Trump is to make such a remark. Whatever it is. But the American public is getting wise to their unscrupulous methods of reporting.