Trump Breaks Internet With Announcement About Potential VP Pick

There has been a lot of speculation about who former President Trump will pick as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and we’re getting a peek into what’s in the mind of the Republican frontrunner.

When questioned about the possibility of selecting biotech engineer Vivek Ramaswamy as a vice presidential nominee, ex-President Donald Trump expressed admiration for the GOP candidate.

President Trump expressed his admiration for Ramaswamy during a conversation with Glenn Beck.

“I think he’s great,” Trump explained to Beck.

“Look, anybody that’s said I’m the best president in a generation … and he said it a couple of times … I have to like a guy like that.”

Trump also expressed his opinions regarding the presidential campaign of Ramaswamy, suggesting that Ramaswamy has the potential to offer a novel viewpoint in the context of Washington politics.

Trump characterized Ramaswamy as “smart,” “young,” and “got a lot of talent.”

Vivek Ramaswamy

When inquired about the potential candidacy of Ramaswamy for the position of Vice President, President Trump responded by acknowledging his high level of intelligence with emphasis.

“He’s a very, very, very intelligent person. He’s got good energy, and he could be some form of something. I tell you, I think he’d be very good. I think he’s very good. I think he’s really distinguished himself,” Trump said.

Trump’s comments were made immediately after the initial Republican Party debate, during which he chose not to participate and instead committed to closely monitoring potential candidates for the vice presidential position.

The inclusion of Ramaswamy in Trump’s sphere of interest introduces an element of conjecture to the evolving political environment, particularly considering Ramaswamy’s swift ascent from an obscure underdog to a formidable competitor.

However, President Trump expressed reservations on the entrepreneur’s proclivity for seeking out contentious situations.

“He’s starting to get out there a little bit. He’s getting a little bit controversial. I got to tell him to be a little bit careful. Some things you have to hold in just a little bit, right?” Mr. Trump said. “But he’s got a lot of good energy,” Trump explained.

Nevertheless, Ramaswamy had already expressed to NewsNation his refusal to assume the position of vice president under the former president.

“I don’t do well in a No. 2, so I’d be about as likely to accept it as he would be to accept my offer to be my vice president,” Ramaswamy told reporters in August. “It’s a ‘no.’”

In contrast, Ramaswamy faced criticism from former Vice President Mike Pence and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

On Tuesday, Pence expressed his belief that there exists a significant degree of agreement between his previous political partner and Vivek. “I think there’s a great deal of alignment between my former running mate and Vivek, and so for my part, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised that he’s been complimentary of him in that way,” Pence stated.

Chris Christie defined Ramaswamy as embodying the negative traits typically associated with politicians, saying he is the “worst of what politicians are characterized to be.”

Christie’s statement on CBS’s “Face the Nation” was “And then when you call them, like I did, on the negative things he said about Donald Trump on Jan. 6, in his book, he didn’t say it.”

“If you believe Donald Trump was the greatest president of the 21st century, which is what Vivek said on the stage, then what the hell are you doing running against him?” Christie whined.

“The fact is that Vivek says one thing and does another,” Christie accused.

A major issue that candidates will have to explain how they will deal with is the current war in Europe.

The U.K.’s Independent reported on the positions of Republican candidates for president regarding the Ukraine war, including Ramaswamy’s:

“Here’s how I would do it, their deal with Putin is this: We freeze the current lines of control, the same way the Korean War ended. It’s a Korean War-style armistice, a further commitment that NATO will not admit Ukraine to NATO. But in return, Ukraine does come out with its sovereignty intact, not without parts of the Donbas region, but the rest of Ukraine comes out with its sovereignty intact. But most importantly, I will require Vladimir Putin to exit his military partnership with China. The China-Russia military partnership, that alliance, is the single greatest military threat that the United States faces today.”

Trump’s legal front:

In recent weeks, President Trump has expressed opposition to the possibility of entering into a plea agreement in relation to any of the four ongoing legal proceedings against him.

In a short press conference held prior to his departure from the Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club on route to Iowa, President Trump provided a response to a reporter’s inquiry regarding his willingness to accept a deal.

A reporter asked him, “Is there any chance you take a plea deal in Georgia?”

President Trump answered:

We did nothing wrong. We don’t ever take a plea deal. We don’t take plea deals. It’s a wise guy question. You’re just a wise guy. We don’t take plea deals because I did nothing wrong. It’s called election interference. You know what that is?

Because these indictments are going out by Biden. Who can’t even put two sentences together. This is Joe Biden. Because he can’t win the election by himself. He can’t win the election based on votes. So what they did is they got the attorney general to do it. And then you see how stupid they acted yesterday with the appointment of the special counsel. They call it special counsel. And what a crazy thing that was. And it’s being laughed at all over the world.

The fact is that we have a country that’s in serious trouble. We have a country that’s in major decline. I don’t mean decline, I mean major decline. And we’re going to straighten it out. This group and a lot of people just like this group. We’re going to straighten it out and we’re going to make America great again.

Wise guy.

Source: The Hill

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief By: Trump Knows

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