Trump blasts the union representing Keystone Pipeline for endorsing Biden “Now their workers have no jobs and no pipeline” –

Trump just released a statement blasting the union representing the Keystone Pipeline workers for endorsing Biden.

“Now their workers have no jobs and no pipeline…”

The union representing the great workers building the Keystone XL pipeline endorsed Biden. Now their workers have no jobs and the pipeline, which was well under construction (like the Southern Border Wall), has been shut down, with thousands of jobs lost and the company announcing yesterday that they are ” permanently pulling out.”  You should vote these people out of office immediately and stop paying your union dues. A total waste of money. And I said it was going to happen before the 2020 Presidential Election Hoax!

You can’t blame Trump for this statement about the Keystone pipeline in the least. He’s absolutely right. Like so much of what he says, it’s just common sense.  And these idiot union leaders deserve to have every bit of this rubbed in their faces. But even more than that, they deserve to be booted out and replaced, exactly as Trump suggested in his statement.

Trump should have also mentioned how Biden also slapped them in the face after canceling their pipeline, but removing sanctions off the company building the Russian pipeline to make Putin happy. They get their jobs back but our workers get their jobs canceled.



Source: The Right Scoop