Trump Approval Soars To 50% – Independents, Blacks, Latinos Lead As Base Expands [Video]

President Trump approval is now are surging. There’s no other way to interpret the latest round of daily tracking polls. The latest Rasmussen poll has him now at 50%. That’s a full 5 points higher than Obama was at this point in the presidency. The irony is that Trump has been consistently rising in the polls since his summit with Vladimir Putin even though the press thoroughly berated him for behaving meekly during a joint press conference with Putin.

The media was sure that his poll numbers would tank after that meeting. But so far we haven’t seen that. Americans seem to generally approve of Trump, his meeting with Putin and the direction he is leading the country.  Despite how the mainstream media frames his speech and activities, Trump’s numbers are steadily rising. Trump’s numbers are are steadily rising.

What’s fascinating as we look deeper into the polls is that Trump’s numbers are increasing among independents, blacks, Latinos and women. In other words, Trump approval is gaining outside of his base faster than what he’s gaining within the demographics of his base.

Dick Morris has offered some excellent and expert analysis of the significance of the latest numbers for Trump. We know that Trump’s base is male and predominantly high school educated. But if we look at the total of time between October of last year to the end of July this year, we find that Trump’s approval rating has gained 5 points among men but he’s actually gained 23 points among women. In other words he’s going outside his base faster and greater than he is within his base. Trumps base is changing to a broader slice of the American voting public. The same is true if we factor in education. With high school grads he’s gained 7 points but with college educated voters he’s gained a whopping 16 percent.

Dr. Steve Turley looks deeper into the latest polls in the video, below.