CIA Struggles With Trump’s Executive Ways

CIABy Saint John Hunt | StoneColdTruth

Announced today on national news was a report by the CIA that Russia had meddled in the election of Donald Trump. According to CNN “multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation into Russia’s hacking told CNN last week that the US intelligence community is increasingly confident that Russian meddling in the US election was intended to steer the election towards Trump, rather than simply to undermine or in other ways disrupt the political process.”

In an interview on FOX NEWS SUNDAY, Mr. Trump cast suspicion on the Democrats suggesting they might have circulated reports that Russia sought to help him get elected. “I think it’s ridiculous. I think it’s just another excuse [for their election defeat]. I don’t believe it.” Trump then added that “You know I’m a smart person, I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years.”

The media is quick to report half of the story, spinning Trump as not interested in daily briefings by CIA. The other half of the story, the one they don’t show is that Mr. Trump said that he “would take briefings when I needed it.” Trump added that his vice president Mike Pence would be receiving the daily briefings.

My father, E Howard Hunt, gave almost 30 years of his life in the intelligence service, first in the OSS and then as a high-ranking officer in the CIA, I think allows me a certain insight and opinion in this matter.

For Trump to place his VP at the daily CIA briefings is a good move. Trump is bringing his business sense to what has been, for decades, a failed Intel policy. The president of a corporation doesn’t attend daily meetings on the everyday running of his business. He delegates this rather mundane task to someone he can depend on. Trump is delegating Pence to handle the daily briefings with CIA, stating that if something should come up that required his attention, he is available 24/7 on a moment’s notice. You won’t hear that part of the story from the major TV news programs. What we hear are half-truths designed to make Trump look careless and irresponsible.

As for the importance of ‘must attend daily briefings’, I say, did daily briefings prevent any of the CIA intelligence failures? Did the daily attendance of Obama at his CIA briefings prevent or at least minimize the horrendous misjudgment of the CIA in the September 11, 2011 Benghazi attacks? For that matter did the daily briefings with then president Bush prevent the attacks on the World Trade Center? With or without these daily briefings the CIA has demonstrated a dishonest and war mongering ideology. Let’s just look at some of … >>> Continue Reading at