Top Democrat Throws Cold Water On Biden’s 2024 Prospects

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Speculation as to President Joe Biden’s plans to run for re-election to the Oval Office has been rampant as the country moves toward the midterm election.

Off the record, many have spoken about the issue, but speaking on the record would create a negative situation for the rest of his term.

Even though most polls show that Americans do not want Joe Biden to run again, his declining to run could create a “lame duck” presidency for the rest of his current term.

“Lame Ducks” are often unable to do anything legislatively,” The Conversation notes.

No party should want a lame duck president, as two years is a long time to be ineffective.

No eligible sitting president has declined to run for reelection since 1968.

But there is pressure from Democrats who are disenchanted with the sitting president.

Politico reported on a left-wing group who told the outlet they are preparing a public pressure campaign to block Biden’s renomination:

“The effort, by, is the latest sign of unrest among Democrats about Biden, whose job approval rating has cratered during a punishing midterm election year. RootsAction, with an email list of about 1.2 million people in the united States, said it plans to spend six figures on a ‘#DontRunJoe’ campaign, with digital ads starting in early nominating states on Nov 9, one day after the midterm elections.”

CNBC released numbers stating:

“Just 26% of Democrats said they would prefer President Biden to be their party’s candidate in the 2024 election, and 64& want someone else heading the ticket, a new poll found.

Biden’s age and job performance were the top reasons cited by Democrats why they wanted a candidate other than Biden to be the party nominee, the New York Times/ Siena College poll found.

Just 13% of voters of all kinds say the United States is ‘on the right track” while 77% said it was ‘headed in the wrong direction.’”

Some hold the opinion that while Biden is fine to be president now, he is too old for the upcoming election.

The Atlantic’s Mark Leibovich stated, “Let me put this bluntly: Joe Biden should not run for reelection in 2024. He is too old.”

The Washington Post’s Steven L. Isenbuerg headlined,” Quit, Joe, Quit!”

reuters noted that Minnesota Representatives Dean Phillips and Angie Craig have opinions on Joe Biden’s second run.

“The country would be well served by a new generation of compelling, well-prepared, dynamic Democrats to step up,” Phillips said in an interview last week.

Craig said on Tuesday that she is, “in lock step and alignment” with Phillips.

Reuters also noted that one White House aide thought it would be “‘foolish’ to dump Biden” given his win over Trump in 2020. The aide said,” It’s not like we have a ready alternative.”

Democrats holding office, especially those at the polls in November, are deflecting questions on Biden’s political future.

Rep. Jerry Nadler is Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

Nadler is carful about questions concerning support of Biden.

In a recent interview, Nadler also sidestepped the question, claiming it’s “too early to say,” and that it “doesn’t serve the purpose of the Democratic Party, to deal with that until after the midterms,” according to Business Insider.

But Politico reported that a few days ago Nadler was asked whether Biden should be the nominee in 2024 and Nadler replied, “Absolutely.”

Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York is running for re-election in the city’s 12th Congressional district.

Maloney is facing off against Rep. Jerry Nadler in a member-on-member primary in the newly redrawn 12th district.

Nadler originally represented the neighboring 10th district until it was redrawn this year.

Maloney has been faced with more and more questions concerning 2024 and Biden.

This isn’t the first time Maloney was forced to answer whether Biden should or will run again.

On August 2nd, during a Democratic primary debate Maloney said of Biden: “I don’t believe he’s running for reelection.”

She later walked it back in a CNN interview. “If he decides to run, I’m supporting him. I’m supporting him and I don’t have other comment,” Maloney said.

“I think that he’s done a terrific job and most recently the inflation reduction plan. There are so many good things in it for the economy and for people. And I’m supporting him if he runs. OK?”

Now Maloney’s answer to that questions has changed.

The New York Times, in an interview with Maloney, published a new, updated statement.

President Joe Biden is not running for reelection in 2024, according to a comment by Democrat New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney in an interview published Saturday with The New York Times editorial board, wrote the Daily Caller.

“Off the record, he’s not running again,” Maloney said, apparently unaware her comments were on the record. “Not off the record. On the record,” editorial board member Jyoti Thottam interjected.

“On the record? No, he should not run again,” Maloney, who is running for reelection in New York’s 12th Congressional district replied. (RELATED: Here Are The Dems Refusing To Endorse A Biden Run In 2024)

Off the record, “will not,” on the record, “should not.”

Source: The Republic Brief