Tim Scott has spoken out on joining the Trump 2024 ticket

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Would it surprise anyone if Donald J Trump ran for President in 2024 and didn’t have former Vice President Mike Pence as his running mate? Considering the amount of betrayal that Pence showed the country and Pence’s generally dismissive attitude toward the supporters of the MAGA-America First movement, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.  And people are starting to line up for a chance to be considered Trump’s running mate and take Pence’s place.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) appeared on “Sunday Morning Futures” with host Maria Bartiromo and told her that  President Donald Trump is still a significant political player.  Scott also talked about joining the GOP’s 2024 presidential ticket as Trump’s running mate.

Bartiromo hosts one of the most highly relevant political shows in the country, so for Scott to make this sort of statement on her show proves that Scott is not just shooting from the hip but that he is making powerful and strategic remarks.

“President Trump’s position in our party is powerful. And I think he’s still the most powerful voice in politics, without any question. I enjoy a healthy relationship with the president, and I am thankful for that,” Scott told Bartiromo.

Bartiromo responded and asked  Scott if the GOP is united enough for a victory, considering Trump’s recent criticism of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who is also a powerful force in Republican politics, and whose behavior causes great division in the Republican Party.

Scott has a history of partnership with Trump, as reflected in a 2020 press release from Scott’s office:

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott started the “Opportunity Zone Program” in 2017. It focuses on low-income areas where businesses can get tax breaks for investing, Aiken County is taking part.

“Jobs and investments are pouring into 9,000 previously neglected neighborhoods, thanks to opportunity zones,” said President Donald Trump. “A plan spearheaded by Senator Tim Scott.”

Scott, when asked about McConnell, refocused a bit and laid out a better narrative of unity in the Republican ranks to win for the agenda that Trump represents:

“The truth is that we should spend our time creating the contrast between 2016 to 2020, when President Trump led us to the most inclusive economy in the history of America, seven million jobs created, two-thirds going to African-Americans, Hispanics, and to women,” he added.

Political watchers noticed:

“Sen. Tim Scott’s attempt to thread the Trump/McConnell needle today: “America First means uniting the Republican Party.” — Michael C. Bender (@MichaelCBender) wrote on Twitter on February 20, 2022.

“What we know for sure, Maria is that the road to socialism runs right through a divided Republican Party. And while we may have some fractures and even some fissures, the truth is, putting America first means uniting the Republican Party,” Scott said.

“Let’s have these conversations, debates, and fights after we win back the majorities and prove to the American people that we can lead and lead them to what I consider the promised land of the American dream,” he added.

“Senator, you said that President Trump is still the power in the party. Does that mean you would be willing to join his ticket? Are you going to run in 2024? Or would you be open to a vice-presidential role in a Trump ticket?” Bartiromo asked.

“Well, I think everybody wants to be on President Trump’s bandwagon, though, without any question,” Scott enthusiastically replied.

Sen Tim Scott Said: Everyone wants to be on President Trump’s bandwagon. He remains the strongest voice within the Republican Party.

“One of the things I have said to the president is that he gets to decide the future of our party and our country because he is still the loudest voice.

Bizpacreview reported on Scott’s appearance:

“What I hope happens is that we rally around the principles that lead to our greatest success. I am not looking for a seat on a ticket at this point. I am, however, looking to be reelected in South Carolina. So, my hope is that you win next Friday’s football game before thinking about any other one. So that’s my primary responsibility,” Scott concluded putting any vice-presidential aspirations at arms’ length for now.

Scott noted in response to being asked if the GOP will win the Senate majority in the 2022 midterms that it all depends on recruitment and he has “seen some amazing candidates come to the forefront.”

Scott is very respected and well-liked in GOP circles. He gave the party’s rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s first joint address to Congress last April and it was widely praised.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the senator raised almost $7 million, ending the year with $21.5 million in the bank, according to The Post and Courier.

Scott has served in the Senate since 2013, having been tapped by then-Republican Gov. Nikki Haley to fill the expired term of former Sen. Jim DeMint who stepped down to lead the Heritage Foundation.

Source: The Republic Brief