Unless you’ve been off the planet you’ve heard about Donald Trump being ‘dis-invited’ from speaking at a gathering of conservatives that was organized by RedState.com. Trump was one of several candidates that were in invited to the event.
Erick Erickson, who operates the RedState website and organized the event, notified the Trump campaign of his decision just hours before Trump was scheduled to appear at the event. Erickson claims to have made his decision after he heard something that Trump said during an interview on CNN. Trump was criticizing Megan Kelly for seemingly asking loaded questions of him during the first Republican debate, describing her as very angry saying, “there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”
Erickson apparently understood Trumps words ‘ blood coming out of her wherever ‘ to somehow imply that Megan Kelly was on her period. That’s when he called the Trump campaign for an explanation. He was told that Trumps words were misinterpreted. But that explanation apparently didn’t suit him. Erickson was later quoted as saying, “I don’t want my daughter in the room with Donald Trump tomorrow night so he’s not invited.”
There’s something wrong with all of this. Did Erickson interpret Trumps words to be referring to Kelly being on her period or did he read or hear it from a media source? Nobody that I’ve talked tom, that read it for the first time, saw it that way. I have to wonder; who was the first to offer the ‘having her period’ interpretation?
It’s clear to me that whoever was the first one to interpret Trumps words to mean menstruation was surely a mind reader. Or at least they claim to fully understanding Trumps unusual structuring of sentences – enough to fill in the blanks for him. But I’m inclined to believe Trump when he said that anybody that thinks that he was talking about menstruation was a deviant. His use of the word ‘wherever’ simply meant that blood was also coming from her nose and ears as he was describing her over-the-top anger. And by-the-way, none of my friends were found to be deviants.
Did Erickson hope to gain anything by dis-inviting Donald Trump to the meeting? Or does he think that Donald Trump is such a sexual deviant that, in his words “I don’t want my daughter in the room with Donald Trump tonight, so he’s not invited.” Erickson continued, “If our standard-bearer has to resort to that [kind of language], then we need a new standard-bearer.” Really?
With Erickson’s one stupid decision to to dis-invite Donald Trump he alienated a percentage of his followers, added to the possibility of Trump running third party and possibly poisoned the well if Trumps popularity continues to grow and he wanted to connect with him in the future.
So what did Erickson hope to gain? Well, right after he told Trump to get lost he called Megan Kelly and invited her to speak. Now what the hell could he have been thinking? Wait. Seems to me that he might have said that he wanted to ‘reach out’ to Kelly. I read that to mean that he wanted to ‘make out’ with her. What other reason would he have to invite the person that was obviously out to chop the Republican front runner down to size? Not surprisingly, Kelly did not accept his proposition.