Ted Cruz Questions Clueless FBI Director On Document Claiming Patriotic Symbols Are Extremist

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

The FBI seems to be up to no good much of the time. Usually, the agency appears to act on behalf of Democrats.

In May, Democratic legislators used a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York as justification to push for legislation that will give the FBI greater freedom to spy on conservatives and critics of the government’s revolutionary agenda.

In that same month, with regards to the Trump/Russia collusion investigation into the investigators, special counsel John Durham alleged that the FBI falsely claimed that the Alfa Bank information came from the Justice Department. Rather, former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann brought the proposal directly to the FBI, with the leadership being familiar with its origins as bad political opposition research.

This week it was revealed that an FBI training document identified patriotic images such as the Gadsden Flag, the Liberty Tree, and the Betsy Ross Flag as signs of extremism.

Senator Ted Cruz took the FBI director to task over the issue.

“Senator Ted Cruz grilled FBI director Christopher Wray Thursday over a recent FBI training document that listed patriotic imagery such as the Gadsden Flag, the Liberty Tree, and the Betsy Ross Flag as ‘extremist’ indicators,” according to Summit News.

Wray claimed he had no knowledge of the document which Project Veritas revealed cites symbols, phrases, images, events, and individuals that agents should flag when trying to identify potential “Militia Violent Extremists” (MVEs).

Cruz told Wray that the revelations are one example of how the FBI has been “weaponized and politicized” to label everyday Americans as “Anti-Government or Anti-Authority Violent Extremists.”

“I will self-report right now that every day in the Senate I wear my boots that have the Gonzalez battle flag on the back of em,” said Cruz, slamming his boot into the counter. “What are y’all doing? This makes no sense.”

Wray also came under questioning from GOP Senator Josh Hawley, who cited a whistleblower report detailing that the Biden Administration had evacuated hundreds of people from Afghanistan who were on the Pentagon’s “watch list,” including known, suspected terrorists, and resettled them in the U.S.

The whistleblower told Hawley and Senator Ron Johnson that the White House and the DoD ordered corners to be cut, data to be deleted and did not properly vet the refugees.

Cruz further added, “Included on this list is the Betsy Ross flag. Now that’s fairly remarkable that the Betsy Ross flag, in the FBI’s indication, is indicative of militia violent extremism – because among other people who have been publicly alongside the Betsy Ross flag; we have President Barack Obama, who was sworn in directly underneath two Betsy Ross flags.”

A Gadsden Flag symbol is also used on Virginia license plates, according to Cruz.

As well, the Senator stressed to Wray, “You don’t include things like Antifa, you don’t include things like Black Lives Matter. Instead, you identify patriotic Americans as a suspect.”


“Elsewhere during the hearing, Cruz got Wray to admit that the Detroit FBI Special Agent who oversaw the “absolute debacle” that was the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping entrapment scheme is now in charge of the Washington, D.C. Office, overseeing the J6 investigation,” Summit continued.

Wray also came under questioning from GOP Senator Josh Hawley, who cited a whistleblower report detailing that the Biden Administration had evacuated hundreds of people from Afghanistan who were on the Pentagon’s “watch list,” including known, suspected terrorists, and resettled them in the U.S.

The whistleblower told Hawley and Senator Ron Johnson that the White House and the DoD ordered corners to be cut, data to be deleted and did not properly vet the refugees.

Wray stated that the FBI is trying to investigate, but he has no information as to the status of any of the cases.

“I can’t sit here right now and say we know where all are located at any given time,” Wray expressed.

“We know that hundreds of people potentially connected to terrorism are loose in this country” as a result of such actions, Hawley stated.

In addition, Wray cautioned that “Al-Qaeda maintains its desire to both conduct and inspire large-scale, spectacular attacks.”

At the same time, the White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council admits that Al Qaeda is once again using Afghanistan as a “safe haven” for its terrorists.

Yet the Gadsden Flag, the Liberty Tree, and the Betsy Ross Flag are what the FBI is focusing on?

Last month it was revealed that an FBI “Confidential Human Source, or CHS, infiltrated the Kansas City Proud Boy Group for over a year and a half before the January 6th event and kept the FBI goons informed on the group’s activity.”

Despite what Democrats say, the FBI Plant explained to his superiors that the Proud Boys did not really know what they were getting themselves into. There was no planning or conspiracy to enter the Capitol, and the Proud Boys assisted law enforcement within the Capitol.

Source: The Republic Brief