Trump Administration Pulls Funding For Flawed U.N. Relief and Works (UNRWA)

Mahmoud AbbasWASHINGTON – The United States announced it was halting funding for the United Nations’ agency for Palestinian refugees Friday after declaring the organization was “irredeemably flawed.

Washington has long been the U.N. Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) largest donor but is “no longer willing to shoulder the very disproportionate share of the burden,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement.

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Democrats on Judiciary Committee Call for Kavanaugh Confirmation Delay

Democrats will be doing everything they can to block Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

All 10 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee sent a letter to chairman Chuck Grassley on Friday, calling for the delay of the confirmation hearing of the president’s pick.

The lawmakers are citing issues within the Trump administration as well as the legal issues of Paul

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NAFTA Negotiations with Mexico Going Great

The Trump administration is set to announce a breakthrough with Mexico on NAFTA negotiations Thursday.

The so-called “handshake deal” comes after months of talks between the U.S. and its southern neighbor.

The announcement is also expected to include details on when Canadian officials will return to Washington for talks.

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Trump Admin Working To Clean Up Water Contamination Left Under Obama’s EPA

PFAS contamination

The EPA is working hard to reform how department handles safety protocols to [prevent dangerous chemicals from entering water sources across the country.

The people of a Philadelphia suburb are still wondering if they were unknowingly taking in toxins when using water from their faucets. Pennsylvania is one of 33 states with community water supplies contaminated by dangerous chemicals known as

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