Pelosi blocks State of the Union address

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:05 PM PT — Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The State of the Union battle is heating up, following Nancy Pelsoi’s official response to President Trump’s letter accepting her previous invitation to deliver the address next week.

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DHS Secretary: Migrants bringing ill children sparks humanitarian crisis

OAN Newsroom
8:54 PM PT – Tue. January 1, 2019

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says migrant caravans have produced a humanitarian crisis at the United States-Mexico border.

On Twitter, Nielsen said an increasing number of children with illnesses are arriving illegally. The Secretary urged congress to end the 1997 Flores ruling, which the DHS believes encourages migrants to bring children into the United States.

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Trump admin. files appeal to federal judge’s block of asylum policy

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:50 AM PT — Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2018

The White House has filed an appeal to a federal judge’s ruling, which blocks the president’s new asylum policy. According to court documents filed Wednesday, the Trump administration told the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals it plans to appeal the December ruling.

The U.S. district judge initially stopped the asylum order, saying it violated current immigration laws.

The order prevented people from claiming asylum based on domestic or gang violence when they report to immigration

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