Texas border town residents threatened by human smugglers

OAN Newsroom

Residents in a Texas border town say they are living in fear of so-called “cartel coyotes.” According to residents near the Falfurrias border checkpoint on Monday, the area has become a stomping ground for human traffickers.

One rancher — identified only as Solia — said she regularly sees

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President Trump calls on Democrats for cooperation on border security

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:39 AM PT — Thursday, January 10, 2019

President Trump is threatening to use his executive power to declare the border crisis a national emergency if Congress fails to come to an agreement on funding.

Prior to his departure for Texas, the president insisted a strong border is needed, adding, a wall or steel barrier is essential to border security in order to stop people from entering the country illegally.

The president went on to say he would rather work with Congress in order to secure funding for the wall, however, he is

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Caravan of 15K migrants to leave Honduras in mid-January as overcrowded shelters struggle

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:57 AM PT — Friday, Dec. 28, 2018

Another migrant caravan is forming in Honduras and is preparing to head north. According to reports, the group of about 15,000 people is set to leave the Central American country on January 15, 2019. Migrants from El Salvador and Guatemala are expected to join them.

Advocacy groups said the new caravan will likely stay in southern Mexico, where the country’s president has promised them visas and employment.

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Central American leaders may have ‘stolen’ foreign aid says President Trump

President Trump is still threatening to cut off foreign aid to the Central American nations, whose citizens have become involved in caravans headed to the U.S. border.

During a rally Sunday, the president claimed the leaders of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala may have stolen millions of dollars worth of U.S. aid.

According to reports, the U.S. donated more than $100 million to El Salvador and Honduras in 2017 as well as about $250 million to Guatemala.

This comes just weeks after the president blasted those nations for not stopping their people from migrating north.

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Tent city to hold migrants applying for asylum could be next

President Trump is considering building a “tent city” along the southern border as a possible solution to the approaching migrant caravan.

During an interview on Monday, the president explained the tents would be used to hold migrants who have applied for asylum while they wait for their case to go to trial. He added, very few asylum

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Bureau of Labor Statistics: Largest Counties See Boost in Job Growth Under Trump Admin.

Job GrowthCounties across the U.S. are seeing boosted job growth numbers and higher wages due in large part to policies put into effect under the Trump administration. Americans are finding work and getting paid more across the country.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a new jobs growth report on Wednesday for March 2017 — just two months after President Trump’s inauguration – to March 2018. It shows 314 counties out of 349 of the largest counties

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