During partial government shutdown Trump holds cabinet meeting

• Trump made it clear that he was standing by his request for $5.6 Billion for border wall funding calling it a small price to pay to keep the country safe.

• The president pointed to countries like Israel where he says walls are essential to protecting their borders as examples of why the U.S. needs one.

• They try and make it like its just about the wall and it is about the wall.

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Even Romney’s niece says attack on President Trump is disappointing, unproductive


OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:25 a.m. PT – Weds. January 2, 2019

The Republican National Committee blasts Mitt Romney for his criticism of Pres. Trump.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel – who is Romney’s niece – took to Twitter Wednesday saying it’s disappointing and unproductive to see an incoming senator attack the president as their first act. She added the president is attacked and obstructed

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Congressional leaders to attend border security meeting at white house

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:58 a.m. PT – Weds. January 2, 2019

Congressional leaders will be at the White House for a briefing on border security.

Senior officials from the Department of Homeland Security will lead Wednesday’s meeting amid calls from Pres. Trump for Democrats to make a deal to fund the government and the border wall. Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D – N.Y.) and House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi (D – Calif.) are expected to attend alongside Republican leadership.

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