During partial government shutdown Trump holds cabinet meeting

• Trump made it clear that he was standing by his request for $5.6 Billion for border wall funding calling it a small price to pay to keep the country safe.

• The president pointed to countries like Israel where he says walls are essential to protecting their borders as examples of why the U.S. needs one.

• They try and make it like its just about the wall and it is about the wall.

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Trump Asks Israel To Stay Strong

Israel FlagGeorge Barron | Reuters contributed to this article

On Wednesday, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump  scolded the Obama administration for abandoning America’s traditional siding with Israel. Trump used his twitter account to fire directly at the administration and to avoid any filtering by the administration. The tweet went out shortly before the U.S. secretary of state was set to deliver a speech regarding international opposition to Israeli settlement building.

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