President Trump says ‘build wall’ upon new migrant caravan crossing into Mexico

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:34 AM PT — Friday, January 17, 2019

The new migrant caravan from Central America has crossed Mexico’s southern border, marking a milestone in its mission to reach the United States.

On Thursday, Mexican authorities said nearly 1000 migrants crossed into Ciudad Hidalgo, where they began the process to obtain humanitarian visas.

President Trump responded to the reports of

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President Trump plans to cut off aid to Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:29 AM PT — Friday, Dec. 28, 2018

President Trump is calling on Democrats to fund the border wall. He made the remarks in a tweet Friday morning, adding, the U.S. will be forced to close the southern border entirely if obstructionist Democrats don’t comply. He also blasted the current immigration laws by saying we need to change them.

In another tweet, the president said the U.S. will be cutting off aid to Honduras, Guatemala as well as El Salvador, which he said has done nothing but take money from the U.S.

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Central American leaders may have ‘stolen’ foreign aid says President Trump

President Trump is still threatening to cut off foreign aid to the Central American nations, whose citizens have become involved in caravans headed to the U.S. border.

During a rally Sunday, the president claimed the leaders of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala may have stolen millions of dollars worth of U.S. aid.

According to reports, the U.S. donated more than $100 million to El Salvador and Honduras in 2017 as well as about $250 million to Guatemala.

This comes just weeks after the president blasted those nations for not stopping their people from migrating north.

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