Top Republicans demanding update on probe into FBI, Dept. of Justice surveillance abuse

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:27 AM PT — Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Top House Republicans are demanding answers from an attorney, who’s looking into allegations of surveillance abuse at the Department of Justice and the FBI.

On Monday, GOP lawmakers on two House committees sent a letter to U.S. attorney John Huber asking for an update on the nine month probe regarding claims of abuse when the two agencies obtained warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

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Trump Is On Board With Bannon Targeting Incumbent Senators

President Donald Trump said before a cabinet meeting Monday that he sympathizes with former chief strategist Steve Bannon’s targeting of incumbent Republican senators.

Bannon, now back at the helm of Breitbart News, is waging a “war” against the GOP establishment, and said he plans to back efforts to oust every Republican senator up for election in 2018, except Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

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Trump Right Again On Expanding Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear WeaponsBy Peter Pry | NewsMax

The liberal mainstream media is all aghast that President-elect Donald Trump is calling for “expanding and modernizing” the U.S. nuclear weapons deterrent; and if necessary winning a new nuclear arms race with Russia.

Even the usually fair and balanced Fox News has for three days (and counting) reported uncritically the view of the Arms Control

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CIA Struggles With Trump’s Executive Ways

CIABy Saint John Hunt | StoneColdTruth

Announced today on national news was a report by the CIA that Russia had meddled in the election of Donald Trump. According to CNN “multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation into Russia’s hacking told CNN last week that the US intelligence community is increasingly confident that Russian meddling in the US election was intended to steer the election towards Trump, rather than simply to undermine or in other ways disrupt the political process.”

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Taiwan President Calls Donald Trump

Taiwan President NEW YORK – President-elect Donald Trump spoke Friday with the president of Taiwan, a move that will be sure to anger China.

It is highly unusual, probably unprecedented, for a U.S. president or president-elect to speak directly with the leader of the self-governing island that the U.S. broke diplomatic ties with in 1979.

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Anonymous Post Speaks Out About A Trump Presidency

Trump-PresidencyWhat I See Happening In a Trump Presidency

They might even try to kill him before they allow a Trump Presidency . It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump.

Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by

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