Trump Team Getting Ready For Rallies Again – So Says CNN

Former President Donald Trump is planning to resume his signature “Make America Great Again” rallies as soon as May, according to a report Wednesday.

CNN, citing unidentified aides, reported that Trump has “initiated discussions” about the rallies and “the logistics are still being worked out,” but they could return in just weeks.

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China Trade Deal Likely by April, Will be Positive For U.S. Jobs According To Kudlow

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:42 PM PT — Sunday, March 10, 2019

White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow touts major progress in the ongoing trade talks with China.

In an interview on Sunday, Kudlow said a sweeping trade agreement with China could be finalized by April.

He added the upcoming agreement is aimed at protecting American jobs in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors by making trade with China fair and reciprocal.

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