Students Suspended For Blocking Heather Mac Donald Speech

Heather Mac DonaldStudents Played Role In Blocking Entrance To Heather Mac Donald Event

Claremont, California – Claremont McKenna College suspended three students for a year and two others for a semester for their role in blocking the entrance to a By Andrew Blake |

door and not allowing people to listen to a pro-police speaker.

The college didn’t identify the students who were part of the larger Black Lives Matter protest on campus to stop Heather Mac Donald from giving her talk.


Heather Mac Donald is a policy expert at the Manhattan Institute, a New York think tank. She wrote the book “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe” in 2016 that warned that raced-based attacks on the police and the criminal-justice system from the White House on down are putting lives at risk.

The college charged 10 students with breaking school policies. Five students received suspensions, two more students were put on probation and three students were cleared of wrongdoing.

Four of the suspended students were seniors who had their degrees revoked until they complete their suspensions, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Claremont College is one of seven affiliated Claremont Colleges and the school has turned over evidence involving students enrolled at the other campuses.

A three-member panel that included a faculty member, a staff member and a student decided the cases, the LA Times reported.

From the original story on the protests:

According to Breitbart, the anti-police protests began before Ms. Heather Mac Donald’s scheduled lecture Thursday evening, April 6. Student protesters shouted “F–k the police” and “Black Lives Matter,” and banged on windows. This forced the lecture to be live-streamed online instead of in-person as originally scheduled.

All students involved with