Shocking Poll Shows Trump Blowing Biden Out Of The Water

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Democrat Joe Biden has been having a horrible year at trying to lead the country.

Americans are greatly divided and unhappy, according to polls, and they are not pleased about the idea of him running for re-election, which could be good news if President Donald J. Trump wants to run for re-election himself in 2024.

It is unclear what Trump’s plans are for his future political career, but the evidence is that Trump is considered by the voters to be the leader of the Republican party; whether the Party leaders have accepted that fact or not is up for debate.

Just this week, Trump’s powerful populist movement was clearly actively participating at a higher rate than the RINOS in Indiana and Ohio during Republican primary elections, where the success of 55 Trump-endorsed candidates won. Trump had no losses in midterm primaries.

That is the good news for MAGA and perhaps why Joe Biden is decrying the movement behind Trump as ‘extremist”.  MAGA and Trump are extreme winners- perhaps?

And perhaps why Biden adds in a disinformation unit to monitor posts on the internet to his threatening language.  That could be because he doesn’t want us to talk about the bad polls.

Remember- The Biden administration’s new disinformation czar wrongly undercut the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Iran was attempting to hurt then-President Donald Trump’s reelection chances just before the 2020 vote.

According to a report, Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, will be the executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board.

In October 2020, she tweeted, gave media interviews, and wrote op-eds downplaying Iranian election influence efforts in 2020, with critiques repeatedly lobbed at then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.

And now that branch of the Department of Homeland Security, led by Jankowicz,  will be watching what Americans write about online because people may be posting about their dissatisfaction with Biden- or their support of Trump.

The Washington Examiner reported on Biden’s sinking presidential power, on Friday:

The bad news for unpopular President Joe Biden continues to roll in, the latest from a new survey that shows likely voters, by a 2-to-1 margin, do not want him to run again.

“Survey finds Trump base remains solid, while Biden’s is breaking up, especially blacks, Hispanics,”
Paul Bedard wrote for the Washington Examiner.

Even more, embarrassing for the Democratic president is one of the largest gaps yet between him and former President Donald Trump in a 2024 matchup. In the survey previewed by Secrets, Trump is up 50%-36%.

“A majority of voters think President Joe Biden shouldn’t seek reelection in 2024, and he would lose a rematch with former President Donald Trump by double-digit margins,” read the early analysis of the Rasmussen Reports poll sponsored by the Heartland Institute.

“Sixty-one percent (61%) of likely U.S. voters believe Biden should not run for a second term as president in 2024. Only 28% say Biden should seek reelection, while another 11% are not sure. If the next presidential election were held today, and Biden were running against Trump, 50% would vote for Trump while 36% would vote for Biden,” according to the Heartland/Rasmussen survey.

Trump is so dominant in GOP presidential polls that even critic and Sen. Mitt Romney this week said that the Republican nomination is the former president’s to lose.

Biden, meanwhile, isn’t dominant, and his base is breaking away and fast. In its analysis, the Heartland Institute said, “While 64% of black voters said they have a favorable opinion of Biden, only 39% want him to run for re-election.” And it added that “among Hispanics, just 43% have a favorable opinion and only 31% want him to run in the 2024 presidential election. Women voters — a key to Biden’s 2020 victory — have soured on the president, with only 26% wanting him to run again.”

Should Trump not run, the survey said that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would also beat Biden, though by a slightly different margin of 46%-35%.

DeSantis regularly polls above any other Republican in a Trump-less 2024 primary.

The survey of 1,004 likely voters. Some 35% were Democrats, 33% were Republicans, and 32% were “other,” said Rasmussen.

Rasmussen’s approval rating for Biden is about the average of all polls: 55% disapprove and 42% approve.

Some people, like Primetime Editor at Mediate, see Biden’s unpopularity seeping out into the Democrat Party in general.

“Biden should absolutely not run for reelection.

The guy’s been puttering around on fumes. And while we’re at it, congressional Dem leadership should go with him.”

According to news anchor Bill O’Reilly, Biden saying he will seek re-election is propaganda.

Redpaper News reported on the White House announcements of Biden’s 2024 run:

“Defying all odds (and common sense) a “president” with a ~30% approval rating says he’s running again.

On several occasions, Biden has affirmed he was going to run for a second term in 2024. This, even though he is responsible for many crises, including runaway inflation.

Now, a new poll is giving Joe the bad news. A large majority wants him out.”

How in the world did he get 81 million votes when barely a quarter of voters want him to run again?

Joe Biden’s approval has been in the gutter since August of 2021. His administration has done seemingly little to remedy his lack of popularity.

Source: The Republic Brief