Senate Releases Receipts Showing Payments From Oligarchs To Hunter Biden

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

As The New York Times quietly acknowledged Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate even though it was disseminated as “disinformation” during the 2020 presidential campaign, Republican senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson released shocking receipts revealing Hunter got payments from overseas oligarchs that offer yet more proof “the extent to which President Biden might be — and almost certainly is — compromised.”

As outlined by documents obtained by the lawmakers, the CEFC energy firm, “an arm of the Chinese Government,” paid $100,000 to Wells Fargo Clearing Services and allocated “further credit to Owasco,” Hunter Biden’s business.

“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden,” Senator Grassley said in the Senate on Monday. “To the liberal media and my Democratic colleagues: Is this official bank document Russian disinformation?”

“Bank records like this piece of evidence are pretty hard to deny and sweep under the rug. Our reports were chocked full of irrefutable evidence like this. And yet, the media buried those details, in an attempt to keep it hidden from the American people,” Johnson stated.

As Grassley and Johson had previously uncovered in their investigations, Hunter was financially connected to CCP oligarchs such as Gongwen Dong and Mervyn Yan. The evidence came from materials gathered by Obama’s administration, government interviews, and bank statements that were endorsed by all the alleged perpetrators. Hunter had also allegedly professed to represent CCP “spy chief” Patrick Ho, “who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing.”

Grassley said the new receipt is just the icing on the cake of the Biden family’s alleged corruption, and that more evidence will be forthcoming.

“Hunter Biden and James Biden served as the perfect vehicle by which the communist Chinese government could gain in-roads here in the United States through CEFC and its affiliates,” Grassley pointed out. “And these in-roads were focused on China’s advancement into the global and U.S. energy sector. Hunter and James Biden were more than happy to go along for the right price.”

Both Republicans teased additional speeches detailing “high-dollar” business deals involving “CEFC, Northern International Capital, Hudson West Three, Hunter Biden’s Owasco and James Biden’s Lion Hall Group” stating that their efforts to enlighten the public about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings have been hindered by MSM, big tech, and Democratic Party leaders, who don’t wish to have compromising information about President Biden’s family revealed.

“Senior Democrats and liberal media cooperated to smear me and Sen. Grassley with false accusations of receiving and spreading Russian disinformation,” Johnson claimed. “They created documents, leaked them, asked for briefings and then leaked those, too. And then they, themselves, disseminated Russian disinformation. Fortunately, they failed to discredit our investigation because we stayed true to government records. We stayed true to the facts and the evidence.”

Last week, a prominent Republican revealed GOP lawmakers are planning to send letters to Twitter, Facebook, the New York Times, and scores of former U.S. intelligence officials requesting they maintain evidence of their attempts in 2020 to silence or smear legitimate news reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop and commercial activities.

If the Republicans gain control of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said that the preservation letters will set the stage for Republican subpoenas and the opening of a federal investigation into the issue.

If Republicans do take the House, Issa, who will likely be the chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, will be in charge of overseeing any investigation into alleged efforts to discredit the Hunter Biden story.

Issa stated, “What I can’t live with is the fact that when the New York Post, one of the oldest print newspapers in the country, founded in 1801, comes out with credible evidence, which they can show how they got it, what their sources were — there were no hidden sources on this — they not only got shut down by … Facebook and Twitter, but they got shut down by the New York Times, by public broadcasting, by virtually everyone.

“And they were shut down by having more than 50 of the most informed people in the intelligence world all saying that they knew that this was false information. That is a conspiracy of monumental size.”

As explained by Issa, some of the people involved in this “collusion” were merely passive participants, whereas others directed the effort and knew what they were attempting.

“That is where we’re asking to have the evidence preserved,” he added. “And when we receive the ability to subpoena again … on the anticipation that the House will return to the [GOP] majority, this is an investigation that has to be done, because shutting down the First Amendment is now a pattern of new media. But it’s also becoming a pattern of old media. And there aren’t very many older than the New York Times.”

Source: The Republic Brief