Schumer: Donald Trump Is ‘Despicable’ for Praising ‘Thug’ Putin

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Friday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that former President Donald Trump was “despicable” for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Schumer said, “Putin will come to regret this. Look, he is a bully. He is a thug. He has a monomaniacal desire to restore the Soviet Empire. But he will ultimately fail.”

O’Donnell said, “Donald Trump says that this invasion — he said at the very outset of it — that this invasion is genius, that Vladimir Putin is a genius for doing this. Former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he respects, fully respects Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin is a mass murderer tonight in Ukraine, and the previous administration still holds him in that kind of regard.”

Schumer said, “To hold such an immoral man, with such a vicious actions, it’s just despicable, and shows how little moral compass Donald Trump has. But also, he’s very shortsighted because, as I said, the Ukrainian resistance will be fierce. I know so many Ukrainians in New York, and they reflect that. I believe the sanctions that the president has put in will constrict Russia’s ability to function as a strong economy. It will restrict them and make them weaker and weaker. So I don’t think these initial claims by Trump or Pompeo are going to be regarded as accurate as we move on in time.”

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Source: Breitbart News