Rogue FBI Begins Assault On Trump’s Inner Circle With Another Sham Raid

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Democrat Joe Biden and his Intelligence Community appear to be transitioning into a dangerous foreign style of power in government- based upon more stories of shake-down efforts on the associates of President Donald J. Trump. People who understand history are beginning to question if Biden is really a fascist and if supporters of Bidens – on both sides of the aisle are going along with his megalomania.

Fascism is defined as authoritarian ultranationalism. It is characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Three large fascist countries in our memory to think about were Italy under Benito Mussolini, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, and Spain under Francisco Franco.

Is the United States headed in that direction? Is the American Republic over? Is the lapdog media ignoring a significant story here?

Consider this 2020 NPR report as they were eager to dismiss Republicans’ curiosity about the bizarre election activity. The story ran in Dec. of 2020 just one month after the election reporting on a poll that appeared to dismiss Republicans as somewhat alone in their feelings about the election results :

“A solid majority of Americans trust that the results of the 2020 presidential election are accurate, but only about a quarter of Republicans do, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey.

Sixty-one percent say they trust the results, including two-thirds of independents, but just 24% of Republican respondents say they accept the results.”

With the disclaimer Source: “NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll of 1,065 U.S. adults conducted between Dec. 1 and Dec. 6. The margin of error for the overall sample is 3.7 percentage points. There were 916 registered voters, with a margin of error of 4 percentage points. Totals may not add up to 100% because of rounding.” Notice they don’t say how many Republicans they surveyed. Even the Democrats’ polls are questionable because they provide enough information or proof to make this survey acceptable.

So does that place all of the Republicans who doubted the election’s results in danger now? In fact- yes.  It does.

Democrat Joe Biden, his lapdog media, his administration, and the elite establishment in DC of government dependents will not tolerate any questioning of their power and authority- and they are making some high-profile moves.

The government’s style of ruling, indeed, currently sounds a bit like fascism.

Check this out:

A Pro-Trump attorney named John Eastman told reporters that federal agents seized his phone and made him unlock the device at the same time the Department of Justice is reported to have cracked down on other Americans who were concerned about the 2020 results for President Donald J. Trump.

According to other media reports, Jeffrey Clark’s home was raided on the same day.

Eastman told reporters that he was leaving a restaurant in New Mexico when he was served with a warrant by federal authorities, saying that, according to court documents, agents has already gained access to his email accounts.

The Justice Department is intensifying its crackdown on Americans who wanted the results of the 2020 election to be addressed and put under scrutiny.

Elizabeth Elkind reported for Daily Mail:

“John Eastman, the author of an infamous legal memo that outlined how Donald Trump could claim victory despite losing the 2020 presidential election, said Monday that his phone was seized by federal agents.

Eastman claimed that officers ‘forced’ him to unlock his iPhone 12 Pro and accessed his email accounts, in a court filing first reported by CNN.

Half a dozen agents reportedly confronted the right-wing attorney in New Mexico as he was leaving a restaurant with his wife and another person on Wednesday evening last week.

The filing also suggests authorities had a warrant to take Eastman’s electronic devices.

Eastman ‘was forced to provide biometric data to open said phone’ and ‘was not provided a copy of the warrant until after his phone was seized, and even then, he was only given a copy of the search warrant but not the supporting affidavit referenced in it,’ it states.

He’s now demanding that a New Mexico court force the federal government to return his property, in addition to destroying the records it obtained and barring further access.

It’s the newest in a series of high-profile moves by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to crack down on those who allegedly took part in efforts to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory.

The DOJ has subpoenaed at least nine people across multiple states who were accused of helping Trump’s alleged ‘fake electors’ scheme to alter Electoral College votes in his favor, recently as well, in apparent collaboration with the US House Committee on Jan 6th.

Embattled US Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who instituted the committee to hound supporters of Trump in a further act of fascism against the American people- has suffered a humiliating few months, while Marxism is losing badly to the US Supreme Court, her husband was arrested for drunk driving, and she was caught on film jabbing a small Hispanic girl, the daughter of a new US Congresswoman, in a photo shoot.

Source: The Republic Brief