Roger Stone Wants Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein To Be Fired

Roger Stone, a former top Trump campaign advisor, is calling on President Trump to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Roger Stone has long targeted the two as deep state swamp creatures and not not being on board with the Trump agenda.

At the ‘Mother of all Rallies’ event in Washington, D.C. over the weekend, Roger Stone said Sessions should “go back to Alabama” and that he was an “insubordinate hillbilly.” Such language is not unusual for Stone as he is infamous for not mincing words.

In addition to the comments about the former Alabama senator, Stone also took aim at Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and special counsel Robert Mueller.

In his typical manner of speaking directly and authoritatively Stone didn’t stutter as he explained his position, “He should fire Rod Rosenstein for his conflicts and for his refusal to turn over to a co-equal branch of government information that they are entitled to under the law and the constitution…he should fire Mr. Mueller. Some say that if he does this he will be impeached. Ladies and gentleman if he does NOT do this he will be impeached.”

Stone’s remarks come after President Trump blamed Sessions and Rosenstein for not taking control of the Mueller probe. Because of their past relationship, there is some speculation as to if Stone and President Trump have discussed the combative situation between the White House and the Justice Department.

President Trump has also accused Session’s Justice Department of showing bias against him by not looking into apparent illegalities and abuses that have been taking place during the Mueller probe.

Source: One America News Network.