Will Dem Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Run for President in 2024?

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Democrats are endorsing a different presidential candidate who they think can defeat Republican President Donald J. Trump because they are so unhappy with Democratic President Joe Biden.

As an activist politician from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is aware of the Marxist street warfare strategies used by the left against the American people and knows how to demand things without giving in.


AOC is likely to succeed against Americans in the same way that other community organizers have ever since Republican Ronald Regan was in office because of the “Community Organizer Spirit” she possesses. Reagan is one of the few Conservatives who had the foresight and courage to oppose Marxist seizure of our Republic.

AOC defeated 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in 2018 to win her seat, which is one of the reasons why she has been mentioned as having the “best shot” against Trump in light of what many political analysts perceive to be a remarkably weak Democratic bench going into the next presidential election.

In less than a year, the next presidential campaign will start.

Michael Starr Hopkins, a comms expert who served on the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, laid out the case for ‘AOC’ to run for president.  Hopkins reported for The Hill on Tuesday and said:

“When Barack Obama came out of nowhere to win his Senate seat in 2004, it almost felt preordained. As if he was the person we had been waiting for to breathe fresh air into the Democratic Party.”

“He then likened AOC’s rise to that of Obama: “Flash forward to 2018, and the meteoric rise of a 29-year-old bartender from Queens feels eerily similar. She has been unafraid, unapologetic and unwilling to bend to the will of Washington. She is a force to be reckoned with, and in 2024 Democrats are going to need her force to reckon with Republicans,” The Conservative Brief reported. 

Hopkins noted further:

She is more of a movement than a distinct personality. Yes, the witty, attractive congresswoman is the face of the growing progressive movement, but she also represents the Democratic Party’s future. AOC has developed a fan base outside of politics. She is the epitome of an influencer. Democrats attempting to behave less like mannequins and more like real people should learn from her ability to connect with her supporters and give them a glimpse into her personal life.

She is the spokesperson for a movement that got started after the government bailed out the banks while householders were left to go into default. She doesn’t seem to be solely a consumer-facing persona, based on the ease with which she discusses problems that people face on a daily basis. She could out-fundraise Trump in a way that no other candidate has been able to since she is not beholden to companies and is a prodigious small-dollar fundraiser.

Hopkins continued by pointing out that many of the most progressive ideas of today were first advanced by Vermont senator and self-described “independent” Bernie Sanders, who occasionally clashes with the Democratic Party’s progressives while caucusing with them. However, he continued by saying that the Bronx Democrat should ‘hand the torch’ to Sanders because his time as a candidate is up.

“Ocasio-Cortez is a symbol of the opportunities and potential that make our nation great. Where else might a 29-year-old bartender shock a powerful politician and emerge as a representative of her generation? AOC wasn’t expected to prevail in her contest. Few people gave her a chance, yet an interesting thing occurred: voters admired her sincerity, youth, and modest upbringing. The public was tired of professional politicians who hardly ever visited their home regions. AOC was elected, and Joe Crowley was defeated. That wasn’t chance; that was fate, according to Hopkins.

Hopkins continued, “There is no doubting that AOC would increase GOP turnout due to coverage on right wing networks designed to frighten elderly white voters. But by recognizing the threat posed by electing Trump Republicans, she would energise the party’s core, mobilize the youth at historic levels, and unify the party.

Finally, he says:

“There will never be another Barack Obama, but I have a feeling we’ll be saying the same about AOC. When opportunity meets preparation and history creates the moment, the cream of the crop always rises, leaving everyone else behind.”

Democrats are accustomed to seeing a Community Organizer in the White House, one who is not a politician. They are comfortable with the left’s Maoist tactics and want someone who completely ignores the rules of the Republica and smashes Conservatives. Unfortunately, AOC is definitely one of those people.

Just recently, AOC participated in some political theater that the Democrats are motivated by.

Slate reported on the scene that was meant to inspire that old hope and change feeling to the left:

“Seventeen Democratic members of Congress were arrested for protesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Police officers warned them over a loudspeaker to “cease and desist.” In a crowd of demonstrators, Rep. Ayanna Pressley yelled, “If we don’t get it, shut it down!”

But the reality of Tuesday’s demonstration outside of the Supreme Court was a bit more subdued. According to Capitol Police tweets, the whole thing lasted less than half an hour.

A little after 1 p.m., a bunch of members of Congress showed up and blocked a street. Around 1:20 p.m., they were corralled into a shady area, where they were ticketed and issued $50 fines. Videos of the event showed several members—including Reps. Ilhan Omar, Carolyn Maloney, and Jackie Speier—simply walking away from the protest; they didn’t force officers to escort them from their site of civil disobedience.”

AOC definitely has plans for America.

Rephrased from: The Republic Brief