Report: Hunter Biden Paid Mother of Child, Stripper from His Law Firm

Hunter Biden reportedly had a stripper, the mother of his child whom he has refused to acknowledge, on payroll with his law firm, Owasco PC.

Owasco was Hunter’s law firm that accepted about $6 million in consulting fees from a Chinese energy oligarch, Ye Jianming, who chaired the now-defunct energy company CEFC, linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden’s company, Owasco, paid Lunden Roberts $37.50 per hour in November of 2018, according to the Washington Examiner. In the same month Hunter’s law firm also paid $521.37 worth of health expenses, including dental and vision insurance coverage, for Roberts.

Roberts sued Hunter in 2019 for child support.

“And is Lunden still [on] payroll???” Biden texted his assistant in November of 2018. “Take Lunden off payroll I thought you said she decidedly [didn’t] want to work and didn’t need health insurance anyway. Remember that conversation?”

The Examiner reported the conversation about the payments between Hunter and his assistant, Katie Dodge:

“I remember a conversation where I was disappointed that you wanted to pay her the same rate as me,” Dodge said. “But I am over that. Maybe she told you that but I wasn’t involved.” Dodge also earned $1,500 from Owasco during the Nov. 16, 2018, pay period for 20 hours of work, according to the recovered payroll file.

“Regardless Katie [that] was if she was working a 40 hour week full time for me,” Biden responded. “I haven’t talked to Lunden in 7 months???????”

“Well take whatever I pay Lunden and get my s*** straightened out Katie,” Biden added. “We need to completely abandon this old process and come [up] with a new one. New accounts new record keeping new everything.”

That Hunter made payments to Lunden in November is of note. Earlier, in March of 2018, Hunter received a $1 million transfer to Owasco from CEFC.

According to a report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, Hunter accepted many more millions from CEFC. The report details:

On Aug. 8, 2017, CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $5 million to the bank account for Hudson West III. These funds may have originated from a loan issued from the account of a company called Northern International Capital Holdings, a Hong Kong-based investment company identified at one time as a “substantial shareholder” in CEFC International Limited along with Ye. It is unclear whether Hunter Biden was half-owner of Hudson West III at that time. However, starting on Aug. 8, the same day the $5 million was received, and continuing through Sept. 25, 2018, Hudson West III sent frequent payments to Owasco, Hunter Biden’s firm. These payments, which were described as consulting fees, reached $4,790,375.25 in just over a year.

Breitbart News reported in 2020 that “a million of the nearly six million transferred to Hunter Biden’s law firm was then refunded, claiming that the payment was related to his firm’s representation of Jianming associate Patrick Ho — convicted of international bribery and money laundering in 2019.”

Hunter’s laptop revealed a proposal that indicates Joe Biden would have made money on the deal with CEFC. The proposed plan, sent on March 13, 2017, included “10 held by H for the big guy?” Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed that the “big guy” refers to Joe Biden.

While Joe Biden has claimed at least seven times to have no knowledge of his family’s business dealings, the president has played a role in the Biden family business at least 12 times over six years.

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by Joe Biden’s Justice Department for tax fraud, money laundering, and violation of lobbying laws, according to the New York Times. Hunter is reportedly trying to settle the case out of court and has paid $1 million to the IRS to evade conviction or a possibly long sentence.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter and Gettr @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Source: Breitbart News