Maxine Waters: Top priority as financial chair to oppose President Trump

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:54 AM PT — Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif. (FILE/AP PHOTO/LAUREN VICTORIA BURKE)

Democrats have nominated Congresswoman Maxine Waters to be chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services.

Following the announcement Monday, Waters said a top priority for the committee will be to conduct oversight on the Trump administration.

Waters has routinely criticized President Trump and sought to oppose his ‘America first’ agenda.

The nomination comes just days after the congresswoman called the president a criminal, adding, she believes he should be impeached.

“I started out talking about this president, even before the inauguration, and I talked about him being a despicable character,” stated Waters. “This criminal must be brought up by the Congress of the United States for impeachment.”

However, Waters has admitted in the past that she faces tough opposition from both sides of the aisle on her demands to have the impeachment process started.