The Real Reason Trump Fired James Comey

I’m hearing a lot of crazy speculation as to why President Trump fired James Comey and it’s bothering the shit out of me. I’m talking about this Russian bull shit that the democrats keep harping on and how Trump thought that Comey was getting to close to finding out about his so-called ties to Russia.

Here’s what I think: Sure, Comey has been a thorn in Trumps side since the campaign. Ever since Comey came out with the list of crimes that Hillary Committed and then said he wasn’t going to do anything about it. We all watched in disbelief and so did Mr. Trump. Comey was dirty and Trump knew it.  But what was irritating Trump recently was the fact that Comey continued to imply that he was investigating Trump’s so-called Russian ties – without any reason to do so. In other words, Comey knows there’s no fire. Hell, there wasn’t even any smoke and that’s what I’m driving at. It was all, excuse me for this, Fake News.

Imagine being President Trump and watching all this Russian bull shit coming out of CNN and the rest of the Trump hating media and knowing that there’s nothing to it. Worse, knowing that the whole thing was based on lies that came from the Democrat party. And then having the head of the FBI continually tell you that he knows there’s nothing to all the allegations but he keeps leading the press on as if there was. What the hell?

Trump wasn’t afraid that Comey was getting too close to anything. But there had to be some reason that Comey kept the story open ended. After Comey played the game of Twister before congress recently, Trump figured that Comey was either taking orders from Democrats or he was a total idiot. Either way, Comey had to go.

Again, Trump Knows that he doesn’t have anything going on with the Russians. I mean, he was there – or wasn’t there – whatever. So it has to be beyond frustrating to him to watch this circus. And it’s getting old. And if you add in all the errors of judgment that Comey has made (I’m being kind here) up to this point, Trump simply reached the point, that any of us would, where we say “enough is enough.” So he fired James Comey.